Monday, December 21, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Operation "Krampus Krush" Hours one and two

by Chaz Hamilton

ID# 22349

Hour One:
Chaz Hamilton here, reporting from the newest scene of engagement of the world’s heroes against the evil known as Krampus.

The heroes have been summoned by Director Nova once more to fight for the good of all mankind. Like the conductor of the largest orchestra ever seen, Nova commands a force that rivals the energy felt as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra wails out the power chords as it plays the Carol of the Bells.

I wonder if Chromatic Death ever auditioned for them as lead guitarist?

This report comes in one hour after the battle was brought to the front door of the remodeled B.A.D.G.E. League War Arena. These heroes arrived like unexpected Christmas Carolers and will not leave until they have brought joy to the world once more.

As always, B.A.D.G.E. technicians are on site, remotely observing the battle while taking readings from the heroes. Scientists got to do science, I guess. Based on their analysis so far, Krampus is talking a beating. This super-villain is getting beaten like a holiday piñata, despite the fact his is showing high resistances to multiple attack elements.

Following are the top ten heroes and the output they have unleashed on Krampus so far:

55,130 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

54,146 Damage: ♦ Belsnickel ♦

52,983 Damage: «₩» NightShadow ‡† 5¹

47,841 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

38,205 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas

37,761 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

36,571 Damage: ♦ CrossBones ♦

36,267 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

35,942 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

34,463 Damage: Ho Ho Ho

While these are some outstanding numbers, it must also be mentioned that while the 5th Precinct was first on the scene, heroes from many leagues are now fully engaged in the battle.

Many of these heroes are having trouble with the orders Director Nova gave. They are only to engage Krampus, not the mysterious flame-shrouded woman known as Lady Phoenix. Military agencies have reported it was her actions that killed multiple pilots of aircraft surveying the area. She has also been “unofficially” named as the cause of the destruction of Hallows Port, a city now devastated on the coastal shoreline.

Emergency crews are on site now, doing what they can do, but initial reports are not looking good. Several of the combatants going into the fray are seeing red as they bypass attacking the villainous cause of so much death and destruction.

More and more of our world’s heroes continue to arrive. I’m going to see what information I can get from them as they continue to fight.

Chaz Hamilton, signing off for now.

Hour 2:
Operation “Krampus Krush” Hour 2

As we are getting numbers in from the city of Hallows Port, can we all take a moment of silence for the high estimates of lives lost to Lady Phoenix’s murderous actions. Even Skelanimal, while attacking the North Onnatanguan capital didn’t slay that many innocent people.

<brief silence for the fallen>

The numbers are continuing to grow.

Thank you for that pause. I’m sure the surviving families of those lost here will appreciate the sentiment.

The number of heroes joining the battle. The sheer volume of damage being dealt to Krampus.

Unfortunately, the reports also indicate that Krampus may have been caught by surprise during the first hour of the attacks. His defenses have improved and blows that once staggered him, not bounce of his mangy coat.

Yes, Krampus. I called your coat mangy, because you are nothing but this Lady Phoenix’s lapdog and deserve to be put down. This reporter isn’t afraid to say what is on everyone’s minds. Your day is numbered. One. If there is any justice in the universe at all, this will be your last.

B.A.D.G.E. scientists have informed me that Krampus’s energy output is slowly depleting. The attack by our heroes is having an effect on him.

My fear is that just as he enhanced Skelanimal in North Onnatangu, his new leash-holder will be able to supercharge him as the heroes bravely take the fight to their doorstep.

Here are the latest numbers from B.A.D.G.E. on the potential damage inflicted by the top combatants on scene:

63,633 Damage: «₩» NightShadow ‡† 5¹

60,447 Damage: ♦ Belsnickel ♦

59,447 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

55,824 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

50,406 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

48,572 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas

47,132 Damage: Ho Ho Ho

45,121 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

39,407 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

37,967 Damage: Spankmyster

So far, we have only had one comment shared with me. Wyldfyre of the Star Force had this to say.

“I hope we find this Krampus’s coal room and can blow his rump back to where he belongs. Sorry, Santa, but your brother is a package your mother should have regifted to the stork that carried him in.” -- Wyldfyre

Stay tuned, citizens of earth. If these heroes have their way about it, Christmas will come early for us all. Well, all except Krampus and Lady Phoenix.