Wednesday, December 30, 2020

RAID UPDATES: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Hour 2 and Hour 4)

by Chaz Hamilton



This battle is most likely the most brutal one our heroes have faced to date.

I’m afraid that when all is said and done, there will be those who are successful at completing their task but no winners.

Shortly after the heroes began to recover from their wounds during their engagement and defeat of Krampus, they have now been ordered by Director Nova to return to the same battlefield and face down the being known as Lady Phoenix.

For the last several hours, I have been speaking with many of the heroes as they recovered. What information I have garnered from them is truly disturbing.

By the information I have gained, a former B.A.D.G.E. field agent known as Chase was kidnapped by Krampus and used as part of an incideoius plot against all decency. He used stolen Legion technology to alter her personality, creating a double agent in her.

While under his influence, she was a primary actor in the Ruby Shard Hunt, or as I named it, “The Quest in the Midwest”. These ruby shards that were sought after by both her, Krampus, and the heroes, contained the disembodied consciousness of an alien being. The details are sparse, but from what I have gathered so far, she was killed nearly half-a-year ago by the Demon Jinn.

Some reports from heroes have implied that this woman known as Lady Phoenix was Jinn’s own mother.

During League Wars: Haunted Heroes, the gems gathered by the heroes were taken by Skelanimal from a secure laboratory aboard the B.A.D.G.E. space headquarters. He then delivered them to Krampus before he and the WMD league traveled to Japan to wreak havoc on Tokyo.

While the heroes were diverted there to protect the island nation and its citizens, Krampus assembled the broken shards and somehow managed to incorporate Lady Phoenix into the body of the kidnapped Agent Chase.

The Legion technology had the effect of altering the personality of Lady Phoenix as well, creating this evil power bent of creating her own military force. Formerly, Lady Phoenix was reported as being an ally of B.A.D.G.E. and its heroes, but after Krampus’s interference, she became a dark reflection of her formal self.

That leads us to today. The heroes of the world are currently struggling to defeat an amalgam individual of great power who, at her core, was once existed as two of their allies. While she currently is at odds with the heroes, it is not due to her own actions or desires. She has become an unfortunate casualty of the Legion’s technology and Krampus’s malicious machinations.

The word about the B.A.D.G.E. officers and agents on scene is that there is a spreading fear that with the defeat of Lady Phoenix, there will be great losses and greater sacrifices in order for humanity to survive. Who will pay the ultimate price for Krampus’s legacy?

At the onset of today’s battle, a glistening snowflake appeared high in the sky and, believe it or not, Santa and his sleigh (which was being pulled by a lone winged gargoyle), swept in and gave the order of “Ho Ho GO!” I don’t know yet all which this latest development entails, but if a legendary being such as Santa Claus himself has been brought in, anything will be possible as the next hours unfold.

RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix’s Rage (Hour Four)

The fight is going on with the intensity of the heart of a sun. Lady Phoenix is nearly unapproachable but for the most stalwart hero. The heat field she is surrounding herself with is as if she stood in the gates of Hell’s most furious inferno.

The first wave against her tested her strength. The aura protecting her gives her a more than solid amount of defense against technology and most physical attacks. Missiles and bullets both disintegrate before they reach her. Magic and supernatural heroes struggle to fully affect her as well. She seems to have a natural resistance to these forms of attacks. Her mind is also extremely focused. Heroes trying to use mental or psionic powers against her have proven to be unable to manage any noticeable effect.

She does seem vulnerable to attacks of an elemental nature. Many of the heroes are finding unique and creative ways to assault her with this bit of knowledge.

Starmaster and other heroes who have telekinetic abilities are using the water of the ocean itself to douse her flames. Elemental heroes such as the Infinite Tempest are creating waterspouts and weather-based attacks to the same purpose. Crossroads has used a similar technique as she did with Krampus, but instead of teaming up with other heroes, she seems to have created a portal beneath sea level and has the ocean pouring out onto Lady Phoenix as if she is standing beneath a faucet.

These attacks aren’t without opposition. At times, Lady Phoenix has generated heat at levels strong enough to break the water down into its component elements of oxygen and hydrogen. Adding these elements to the battlefield actually has increased the intensity of her flames as they are both fuel to her fire.

Diamond Ruby Sapphire has engaged Lady Phoenix, striking her with massive bolts of energy. Senaka is on the forefront once again. Skelanimal is going at her with teeth and claws, seeming to ignore her fiery wrath. I have to wonder if he feels any guilt over the position he put poor Chase into, or if this is just another excuse for him to fight and get his jollies?

Tri-blade is in the fight, striking with a dazzling martial prowess. His blades are moving fast enough that they cannot be seen through the video feed I am watching from.

Aflima is there with his teammates, doing their best to aid in weakening Lady Phoenix. Firefighters often use fire to fight fire, so I can only hope Aflima is as effective in this combat against her blaze.

Lykos has spared a moment to share with me his take on the battle so far, once again.

OK... Another Massive Big Bad Evil Guy... er, Gal. I can do this. I ran in to see what kind of damage I could do against Lady Phoenix. I woke up a few minutes later against a wall. "She is weak against Elemental Power, Kid", a Hero quipped as he picked me up easily off the ground and just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone, slamming into the BBEG with a powerful shot. I didn't even get his name. Elemental, huh? Wait, I think I have some gear in storage. Sure enough, I found my old Elemental Core, which I switched out quickly, then started donning every piece of Elemental gear I had. I tossed my super strong Supernatural gear that she literally ignored like it was tiddlywinks I was hitting her back into the Gear Chest. Powered up, I ran back into the fray, surprised I was actually doing more damage this time than I was doing to Krampus. I hit her hard and fast 4 times, stopped for a breather and a snack, and jumped back in. Several long hours later I lay tired and bloody. I just didn't have any gas left. I was long out of More-Fun bars. Then I heard the copter. I looked up, and I swear on my Mother's Grave, Director Nova was flying a copter into our staging area and dropped, MOre-Fun bars in the bucket loads. I checked my Comms and sure enough, Heroes were sending in More-Fun Bars to each other to give a little boost in the fight. I grinned, grabbed a few bars, and flew back in for more punishment - mostly mine, but a small bit for her as well. Lykos ID: 18321

I appreciate his comments, as I am sure that Sentinel followers look forward to hearing firsthand reports about what is going on in this dire battle. If any other heroes would like to comment, you know where to find me.

There are several new heroes on the list of top damage dealers this time. The battle is still in its early stages, but these early leaders are definitely doing their part in quashing this new villainess.

97,297 Damage: ߣµε Drå§ô∩

86,177 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

82,302 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

81,585 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

65,601 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

55,955 Damage: Slayer B.A.S. 5¹

54,172 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

52,851 Damage: The Avenger

47,309 Damage: ☠Dirty Laundry☠

47,010 Damage: N€v€tS⁵ᵗʰ

46,931 Damage: MAH DEEK