Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 16

The shuttle zoomed down from the station, Santa already in his seat at the helm of the sleigh. Gar put his arms through the straps of a special harness designed by the BADGE official uniform creator. Quark helped him cinch it tight and then checked the lines connecting Gar to both the sleigh and Santa’s reins.

“You sure this will hold?” Quark asked.

Gar said, “the uniform creator makes all the hero costumes, and they withstand all kinds of damage.”

“I suppose if it can design something to withstand a nuclear blast, you won’t have any trouble guiding Santa’s sleigh.”

Santa said, “don’t worry, you two. This sleigh can fly on its own. I’m just a little weak with the power Lady Phoenix drew from me. I only need Gar to make sure I have enough speed and direction. He’ll be fine.”

The pilot of the shuttle announced, “approaching drop zone. Everyone get ready.”

EB hopped over to Santa and hugged him about the neck, “I wish I had more time to say goodbye my old friend.”

Santa smiled, “me too. But, time is not on our side.”

EB held up an egg, “wanna nother to bolster your strength?”

“No. I’ve had quite enough. You’d better get going as well.”

EB hopped over to Quark and jumped into his arms. “Ready.”

Quark said, “good luck you two.” and then jumped, vanishing away.

Santa held his reins, “okay, pilot, open the hatch.”

The back hatch opened, and the sleigh fell out backward. Gar opened his wings and slowed their fall. Suddenly they both blasted off, flying under the shuttle, heading directly for the bright ball of fire over the ocean.

Santa held tight with one hand to the reins as Gar flew with all his might. Lifting his free hand, Santa produced that amazing snowflake he had created. Throwing it up into the clouds, it exploded and a shimmering silvery light burst down and showered the heroes gathered near the cost.

“HO, HO, GO!” Santa’s deep voice boomed out and the heroes below launched themselves at the fireball, a dazzling aura emanating from them.


Heroes flew, portaled, and sped over the water’s surface. Hundreds poured out all their strength at the blazing Phoenix. Swirling tendrils of flame flew out and hit hero after hero, knocking them back. Some returned the blast and stopped it from making contact.

Midgardsormr grew to his enormous size and stomped to the edge of the continental shelf. Using a large open hand, he slung a giant spray of water at the fiery enemy. She lurched back and then pushed both hands forward. A funnel of flames nailed Midgard in the chest. He stumbled back and then fell into the ocean with a giant crash. Rising back up, he roared as he grabbed a chunk of the former castle and lobbed it at her. She dodged it and then sent another giant fireball in his direction.

The fireball suddenly slowed down and seemed to nearly stop. Timebender came flying by, a pocket of bent time slowing the fire down.


Midgard leaned to the side, and the fireball continued in normal time, missing him as it snuffed itself into the ocean.

Timebender hit the surface of the water, which was slowed so he would just bounce right off. He flew straight up and caught another fireball in a time bending. He reversed the time and sent the fire back at its creator, but that did little harm to a Phoenix. She grew angry at him and spread both hands out, sending waves of red energy speeding toward the heroes. It was too fast for Timebender and he was thrown back hard. He skipped a few times across the surface of the ocean and then sunk.

Hotwings dove into the surface and came blasting out at top speed. In his arms he carried Timebender, coughing on a lungful of saltwater.

“Is she too fast for ya?” Hotwings stated.

“Just a little.” He gagged a few more times and then said, “drop me, I can handle myself now.”

“Whatever you say.” Hotwings dropped Timebender, and he fell a few feet before taking off under his own power.

Hotwings sped around Lady Phoenix. He used a laser pistol from BADGE to shoot at her, but it was a pointless attempt. She turned to him and just before she responded, The Wizard and Krystal Fae appeared out of portals and created a massive barrier that stopped her attack.

“You good?” Krystal asked.

“Better now.” Hotwings said.

The Wizard spoke into his comm unit, “get ready!”

“For what?” Hotwings asked.

Both magical heroes flew down and held out their hands as they sped across the surface of the water. Dozens of portals opened, and each one produced at least one hero riding BADGE water speeders. Furious Squirrel led a large team of tech heros as they zoomed across the waters, heading toward Lady Phoenix.

Furious shot at Lady Phoenix with his multiphasic laser, large beams of various colors piercing her fires. “Everyone, stop her attacks. Target the fire balls and fire whips!” He yelled.

Fleagle, Bartman, and Judgment Day used similar weapons to cut off attacks before they hit other heroes. This left room for the flying heroes to get closer and go directly for the woman in the center of the flames.

Fleagle said, “we’re really pissing her off!” He shot and stopped another attack.

Furious yelled, “good! The angrier she is, the more distracted, and that’s the goal. Now...”

Suddenly Lady Phoenix turned and released a massive wave of flames at the floating heroes. Their weapons were not nearly strong enough to stop it. One hero on a water speeder zoomed up and held up both hands. A giant snowflake appeared in the air and met the attack. Both exploded, creating a shower of ice shards and mist. The icy hero flew back off his speed and crashed into the ocean.

“GLYCE!” Furious called out.

“WATCH OUT!” Fleagle yelled, and the heroes split up before another fire blast could hit them.

Bartman sped over to the floating blue hero and circled him. After a second he simply sped away and spoke into his comm link, “another hero down, we’ve lost Glyce.”


Santa zoomed around the swirling mass of heroes and fire. More than once he had to dodge either a hero attack or something from Lady Phoenix. Gar kept him going, flying with all his might. He reached over and held out his hand. A blast of ice met a ball of fire and dissolved it. He did this several more times.

Strange Quark flew up, EB now standing directly on his back, throwing exploding eggs at Lady Phoenix.

“Santa!” Quark said. “We aren’t doing much to hurt her! She’s too strong!” He shoved his hands forward and created a portal that absorbed a ball of fire from getting to them.

Santa dove and looped up around to the other side of Quark and EB. “They just have to keep trying. They don’t have to defeat her, just tire her own and keep her distracted.”

EB threw a rather large egg that exploded near one of the Phoenix wings, evaporating it for a moment. “We got her distracted, but I don’t know if it will do any good.”

Santa said, “then, I have no choice but to go in now. Tell the heroes to focus her attention to the East, I will approach from the west. Gar, time to let me fly solo.” He snapped the reins, and they fell away from Gar.

Gar flew to the side, “good luck, Santa.”

EB, Gar, and Quark flew away from Santa. Gar was giving the new order to the heroes in his comm.

Santa held tight and flew toward the blazing inferno. Sweat glistened on his brow as the heat intensified. The heroes below were already working to move her, and it was working.

“Angela, I am truly sorry for what I must do. Please… forgive me.”
