Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: A Hollywood Ending Part 12

 Chase and Nova rode the lift toward the Operations center. A pair of security personnel stood at attention inside the lift on either side of them.

“What’s your plan?” Chase asked.

“My plan is to be cautious. We may not know the next move of our enemy, but that does not mean we won’t be ready for them.”

The lift stopped and both stepped out. The security guards in the lift remained, as that was their station. Inside the operations center were a dozen more soldiers, all stoically watching.

Chase said, “where did we get all these soldiers?”

“They are a special detachment made up of soldiers from the World Corps.”

Chase frowned, “World Corps? BADGE isn’t part of that organization?”

“No. But, since we’ve saved this world countless times, they owed me a favor. I want to be damn certain if we have an encounter with those mercenaries, I have enough soldiers to keep us and the Avatar of Magic safe.”

“I guess precaution is worth asking for help.” Chase said.

Nova stepped to the middle of the floor. “Which is exactly what I’m going to do now. Robot, activate League HQ Emergency channels.”

The robot at comm pressed several keys and the large monitor lit up with dozens of video feeds from within the various League HQ locations around the world. It also automatically activated the BADGE locations. As the screens became active, people responded.

“Hey, it’s Nova.”

“Oh, guys, BADGE is calling.”

“Oh, crap, right in the middle of our game night... DON’T LOOK AT MY CARDS WHILE I’M AWAY!”

The heroes all jumped to their screens.

Nova waited until he had their silent attention. Finally, he said, “We have a serious situation. A dangerous organization has been attacking and kidnapping the Avatars. Where they will strike next is beyond me. I have the last Avatar protected here on the station. However, that doesn’t preclude that they’ll move on with their plans without it. Thus, I’m sending out locations to all Leagues across the world. You will be assigned a crucial area of the world to protect. Strategic locations that could potentially be a target. World capitals, high security installations, and secret locations known only to a few. These targets would be a terrible loss if they were attacked like Poseidon Island. Be warned, these mercenaries are dangerous and efficient. Arx is far more dangerous than them. Do not let your guard down.”

Legionnaire Solomon asked, “these locations are only a few compared to the many highly populated locations. What if they attack a metropolis that isn’t classified as a strategic location?”

“I’m giving special orders to rogue agents who are not part of Leagues to be on watch in these locations. They won’t engage, but report. Be ready to move. Once the call is given wherever a strike happens, you’ll need to be quick. We don’t have time for more questions, please follow those orders.”

One by one the league channels clicked off, most of the BADGE channels went dark as well. One stayed on with a hero standing in where a BADGE official normally would.

“Uh, Sir, my league is far away. Should I join them?”

“You are the one that has been helping track our enemy. I need your help. I’m sending you to the last known location of an enemy HQ. I have no idea if they’ll be present, but that’s as good a place as any to start the search. And, be forewarned, they still have countless merc thugs working for them, so you’ll have to watch your back.”

“I enjoy punching those morons.”

Nova says, “just don’t engage with their special forces or with Arx.”


Once the screens were all off, Chase asked, “will this be enough?”

“I hope so. We are doing what we can with what little we know.”


Delta quietly watched the sedated Master of Strength from outside the cage he was in. He tapped a control panel and checked the vital signs.

“Impressive. So powerful, even in this state.”

Just then Dr. Osteen walked up to him. “Sir, it’s about time to wake him.”

Delta gained a wicked little smile. “Did you harvest all the data you needed?”

“Yes. Once the experiment was over, I had the data. I know what I need to about infusing the powers into the body. He is so strong now, it scares me to even think about what we’ve done to him.”

“His power is terrifying, and that's what I'm counting on for my next move.”

“But, if he loses control again after we wake him, it’ll be so hard to stop him. I don’t need him awake to continue the experiment. Once we have the last avatar, I can simply infuse that power, glean the data, and then we can terminate him.”

Delta shook his head, “no. I want him awake, now.”

“Your choice.” Osteen led him back into the lab.

Arx, naked to the world, lay strapped on the table where they had been forcing those powers into his body. The moment Delta entered the room, the team of mercenaries joined them with those anti-morphon weapons at the ready.

Osteen flicked several switches. “Activating sensors, charging monitors. I have the detention beams ready.” Devices moved and positioned themselves all around Arx. Lights focused on him, creating a powerful glare on his silver body. “Now to wake him.”

“I’m already awake.” Arx said, which caused Osteen to jump back and the soldiers to tighten their grips on their guns.

Delta chuckled. “I wondered if we could sedate you with the amount of power we have placed in you now. It must feel fantastic.”

Arx lay there, his eyes still closed. “It scares me to know what lives in my blood. The power in me is… incredible.”

“You sound wiser.” Delta commented.

Arx opened his eyes and smiled. “I guess that was a gift from the supernatural power in me. But, really, I just had time to consider what I’m going to do. I had time to realize I’m beyond you now. You don’t control me. I was your toy to play with, now I’m your god to fear.”

“You’re still just another pretty Hollywood face with a big ego.” Delta coolly replied.

Arx slowly sat up. “Don’t be so foolish. You forget, I can read minds now.”

“You can’t read mine.” Delta calmly answered.

“No, I can’t. But, I can read theirs. These soldiers may seem emotionless and fearless, but I know what makes them scared. Osteen fears me, they fear me, and that means you must fear me well.”

“I’m not scared of you. Get off that table, go back to your quarters, get dressed, and wait for my orders.”

Arx laughed, “your orders! I follow no one any longer. I’m ARX, legend of Hollywood, and now the most powerful human alive. I’ll give my own orders. If you don’t like it, tough.”

The soldiers charged their weapons. Delta said, “stop being a fool. Listen to…”

Arx lifted his arm and the guns all fell apart. “I had time to realize something. I have the power over tech, those guns mean nothing to me!” The restraining beams activated on the devices, but they moved away and restrained both Osteen and Delta. “More tech. Geese, you guys called me stupid.”

“Get him!” Delta ordered.

The soldiers all took one step and then were flattened against the walls by a wave of psionic energy.

“You have no power over me. I’m a god and the world will bask in my glory once again.”

“You betrayed the world. They hate you.”

Arx got down from the table and came nose to nose with Delta. “I’ll make them want me. If I can’t have their fandom, I’ll have their fear.”

There came a blinding flash, and the lab exploded. Arx flew straight up, through a hole in the ceiling, vanishing into the sky.
