Thursday, June 17, 2021

Raid: Mercenary Mayhem!!!

by Chaz Hamilton

I don't know what to say. I mean, just yesterday I was aboard the BADGE Stellar Arena watching the closing battle of League War Birthday Bash, expecting nothing more than to go home at the end of the final matches, send my article off to my Editor-in-Chief for approval, and sleep for a week. Everything went according to plan, up until the point when I cracked open a cold one and sat down to watch the highlights from Divisions 5 and Division 7, where some close matches came down to the wire. I no more than I heard the sweet crack of the can opening and my BADGE communications device came to life.

Director Nova's announcement spoke loud and clear. “Nova to Leagues, converge on Starmaster’s location, NOW! Be prepared for a fight.”

Fortunately, I was able to grab a few minutes to snooze after I got onboard the first BADGE shuttlecraft heading that way with room for a non-hero. 

Now that I have arrived at the latest scene of heroic activity, this once calm and pleasant field is bursting with activity. Black garbed mercenaries, commanded by Arx, originally assaulted one hero, Starmaster, and Mental(The Avatar of the Mind). Now, Arx and Mental are no longer to be seen, but the mercenaries are overwhelming the landscape. From horizon to horizon, you can't help but see one of them firing upon our heroes like ants at an abandoned picnic.

The mercenaries have been reported wielding a strange weapon that emits a purple beam that seems to have a negative effect on Morphon powered heroes. These aren't your normal dime-store mercs. They are funded and have a purpose. 

A member of the Star Force, Lykos, has been seen attacking these new foes with an energetic enthusiasm that is difficult to replicate. The Gentleman5¹ has been doing an outstanding job leading the attack since early in the day. He has been rated highest amount the damage caused during the encounter so far. His name came up several times during the Easter Village season during the Flower Throwing event, taking first place several days. Clearly, he is putting his rewards from said activity to good use against the mercenaries.

Many other well respected names from a recent list of the top 44 heroes are hitting these mercenaries hard as well, according to BADGE scientists. Hot Wings, Avenger5¹, The Wizard, Magnificent Punlork, and Midgardsormr have all been seen on the field, doing their duty. It amazes me that after fighting in league wars these heroes can head out the next day into a battle like this with no reservations. They can have fun playing while still doing their all important job. In fact, their efforts during league war event help prepare them for battle, giving them valuable experience on how to handle any and every threat possible.

Current estimates put the mercenary forces down by roughly 25% since the event began. This fight is long from over, but as long as we have strong, talented heroes and leagues out there to protect us, I will feel a bit safer every day. 

Heroes, if any of you care to spare a moment for comment and/or a statement on the battle so far, please, send me a PM and I will share it. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a much larger and involved series of encounters. My best wishes are with you as always. 
