Saturday, June 12, 2021

LW Birthday Bash Fan-Fiction(ish): Prysmatica faces Night Hawk!

For the first battle round of League War Birthday Bash, Prysmatica didn't expect to be facing the Avengers51. Sure, she knew they were going to be there, but the Star Force usually had an easier first round. The A51 teams weren't usually their opponent either, or if they were, it wasn't until later in the LW. She watched from the benches as SDMF Painkiller had his bout with Infinite Tempest. I.T. went down fighting, but it was a quick fight. 

She then took the floor with SDMF Painkiller. Try as she might, it didn't go well for her. Fortunately, she didn't remember most of it. Being knocked out before you hit the floor is sometimes a hidden blessing. One by one, she and her team took a beating from the much fiercer team. Chained Angel managed to defeat SDMF when he attacked her once. Highlands stood his ground against Ringmaster, once. Prysmatica was proud of them, being able to take the attack and turn it into an advantage for the Star Force. "It must feel nice," she whispered to herself after congratulating them.

Her second fight with SCMF didn't go much better than the first. Arctica froze her out. Twice. Ringmaster. Twice. Silver Paladin took the field for a few fights and held his own, but not nearly enough to come close to evening the score. Chained Angel did the same, or tried to.

Lady X took her turns beating on Prysmatica. Once. It was only a matter of time until she came back around for her second go. Fortunately, being able to make complex illusions with light allowed Prysmatica to hide her battle wounds, bruises, and shame from others. It was announced that it would be her turn to face Night Hawk, a long-time competitor. She remembered how Starmaster would tell her how hard of a combatant he was to face, back in the day. Now it seemed she would find out for herself. She stood from her chair and shook off her wistful thoughts. Time to let her training take over. If she was going to lose, it wasn't going to because she didn't do her best.

One on the battlefield, and having nodded her respect to the opponent before her, Prysmatica waited for the green flag to indicate battle was to start. Having control of light itself in its infinite varieties, she began with a cold-light blast meant to freeze her target and slow him down a bit. He dodged her initial attack with ease, damaging her with his fear-based Nightmare Aura. He then struck her with a fierce, but humorously arousing, kick that knocked a fair deal of the wind out of her lungs. In response, she drew deeply into her soul and summoned the brightest light she could from inside of her, emitting it from the center of her being.

It struck Night Hawke, encompassing his head and body and STUNNED him, causing him to reel for a moment in his tracks. 

Emboldened, Prysmatica tapped into the same energy and fired again with it, but having regained a bit of his own thoughts, he dodged her second blast of inner light.

A small robot companion appeared over his shoulder and hit her with an energy blast. She rolled with the impact, deflecting some of the damage away from her with her own Prysmatic Shields. Thinking of the multicolored essence of New Years, she hurled a glittering ball at Night Hawk and his robotic companion, frying his little friend and causing Night Hawk to become disorientated from the brilliant attack. Stunned as he was once again, she dug deeper than she knew she had within and blasted him once more with her inner light.

He didn't dodge. The disadvantage of being disorientated continued.

She did it again, letting her more-than-little light shine once more. His body sizzled under the continued onslaught. Tendrils of steam whisped off his costume, but he still stood.

She fired the power of her Inner Light once more, but his disorientation ended in time for him to dodge her latest attack.

As he tried to attack her one last time, her own dread Nightmare Aura protected her from his attack by overwhelming his senses and dropped Night Hawk to the ground unconscious.

Gazing around the battlefield, Prysmatica smiled as she struggled for breath. Her team cheered for her on the sidelines. If Night Hawk only knew how close I was to dropping myself... She knew that if he had connected one last time, she would have been the one on the ground.

Despite knowing they would lose the round in the end, Prysmatica felt as if she earned her place on Mount Olympus. She did it. She had managed to defend herself from an Avenger 51 member! She knew she couldn't do it again today, exhausted as she was, but eventually, she would do it again.

And knowing that was glorious...

If you want to watch the fight, here it is. Night Hawk vs Prysmatica
