Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Player Poll Results: New Amsterdam's Favorite Personalities

BY: Aflima (Peter Banks)
PLAYER ID: [10898]

In this first installment of Favorite characters seen or encountered in the world of Heroes Rising, we polled the community to determine who in New Amsterdam they admired the most.

Whether the reason being general 'coolness', clothing style, dialogue or moves, the players chose their favorite among two groups before the 'winners' faced off head-to-head for votes. 

The 'winners' of each group had convincing numbers over their opponents, setting the stage for an epic faceoff.

The runner-up: Firebrand - this aspiring vigilante with the powers of flight and burning things (despite being categorized as a 'Neutral' type character) was singularly focused on taking down people in high places but without the benefit of charges or trial. Her signature ability is well-mimicked by those heroes who utilize "Fiery!" in battle. We'd like to think that despite her ill-intentioned motives, she'd be proud to have inspired admiration from the persons who voted.

And the winner of Favorite character seen or encountered in New Amsterdam: Impulse of the Legion! - she may be out-ranked by the Stygian, but it's clear she's seen as a more worthy adversary. It could be due to her confidence, her battle attire or ears as shapely as an elf of Tolkien-esque manner, but in any event she was the clear choice among the community. Her signature ability, 'Slip Pulse', is seen as a useful early-game ability to many a hero. BADGE has naturally forbidden any contact with her to inform of the accolades won, but it's safe to say that she'd be tickled teal on knowledge of the impact she's made in New Amsterdam.

Stay tuned for future polls and results!