Saturday, December 4, 2021

Ask Auntie Acid -- The Sequel

Once upon a time, in a dimension very much like our own, a dear friend once had an advice column in the forum of a now-defunct game.

As an homage, I, Krystal Fae, aka Acidburn, shall attempt a similar column.

If a serious question is asked, I shall endeavor to provide a serious response... if a non-serious query is made, expect a funny or sarcastic response.

My request is that all query's are posted from the POV of your hero/villain character. (It's more fun that way.)

For example, here is a question posted by a newer heroine trying to find her way...

Hi, Miss Fae. I've got a question for you if you have a second, but I don't know if you can help me or not.

I've gotten more powerful over the last few months, especially since Halloween, but I still struggle fighting in KOTM challenges. There are other heroes fighting in them that have been doing it far longer and much better than I am.

It is disheartening to try time after time and to constantly get knocked down. Is it worth it for me to even join them?

How, as a newer combatant, am I supposed to break the glass ceiling and win if older, more experienced players won't get out of the way and move up into different divisions?

Madam Marvelous

My response was...

Dear MM,

Thanks for your inquiry.

My best advice at this point of your growth is that KoTM not be a priority, other than trying for a win for your daily quests.

At your current stage of growth, you should concentrate more on continuing to build your strengths.

This will pass in time. Do not become discouraged.


Auntie Acid

As time went on, she clarified her initial question...

Dear Auntie Acid,

I think I misidentified the subject of my question. I was speaking of the Event, such as Chronos, Duels, or Brawls. I wouldn't dream of trying to fight on the KOTM ladder itself. There are some scary people who fight there.

I'm asking about fights in the lower divisions. I am most often in Division 5 and frequently run into members of SUFFERING who are close to my level designation, but have been in that Division for quite a long time. I've looked at their profiles and some of them have been stuck at the same level forever and they haven't moved up to the next division except for a few matches after they take first.

How long do I have to wait until I get a fair shot at winning like they do? Should I just sit out the matches for the next decade until they finally advance?

Madam Marvelous

And I replied thusly...

Dear MM,

These characters you describe are known as 'polesitters'... Their intent is to remain at their current level until they are functionally unbeatable.

If you continue to build your strengths, you can then level into a higher division where they are disinclined to go.

There may be others 'sitting' there as well, but you will have a chance to face others than your current nemisi.

I repeat, do not be discouraged.


Auntie Acid

So, if you care for a bit of advice on what is troubling you, would like to comment on experiences you've had, or would like to share some useful insight of your own and would like the benefit of my expertise, drop me a line here Ask Auntie Acid
