Sunday, December 19, 2021

LW10 round 1 division 10: Purple Onion vs A-Team

Commentary by Weird Weerdee and Dame Echidna:

Dame E:

So, round 1 just ended and guess what, Purple Onion won vs A-Team 150-86. That's unheard of. We actually had the highest score of all leagues in round 1 this LW. That is very uncharacteristic for the Onion, to bother to try at all.

What do you think Weird?

Weird W:

Don't know, don't care.

Dame E:

(Ahem!) *Nova is recording this...* Um... so... we had a good start of 60-0 then Fran Queenie showed up, followed by Racoon Girl and the others...

Weird W:

Who is Fran Queenie???

Dame E:

That's the new penguin that just joined us.

Weird W:

A penguin? When?

Dame E:

I don't know but maybe Mimsy or Dick, Head of Strategic Planning let her in. I guess the Onion has to cater to all kinds of needs and fantasies... 

Weird W:

The feathery and wet kind? Hmmm...

Dame E:

Lol. And it looks like Blue Waffle got quite a few defensive wins. Hope that the A-Team have been immunised against STDs. They really did put up a good fight. 

Weird W:

All I know is that I'm exhausted and need to eat then sleep. I'm not used to doing anything that involves getting out of bed.

Dame E:

Well the Onion specialises in spending time in bed. And not doing too much.

Weird W:

That is the Onion Way: minimum effort, maximum pleasure.

Dame E:

Too true!

Weird W:

So, what are you up to later? Rendezvous with Mr Echidna again? We all know why he makes you SO happy...

Dame E:

(Blushes.) So... um... that is our report for round 1. Until next time!
