Thursday, December 16, 2021

New Way to Have Friends, if you want them?!

 Recent improvements to the Heroes Rising game have made it possible to add FRIENDS to your non-Facebook account to increase the size of your team, which in turn allows your hero to use more Power Cards. Previously, without a linked Facebook account, a player was unable to send or receive Gifts of Hateraide and/or MoreFun bars AND needed to spend Morphon Points to purchase Henchmen. Your available Power Card usage is based on your Team Size X 5 for each potential type of power card (Attack, Defense, or Movement). So, for example, a team size of 25 could use a maximum of their top 125 Power Cards for each category. (Your Max team size is based on a players overall level, so a level 20 character could have a team size of 20(100 of each Power Card) or a level 400 character can have a team size of 400 (2000 of each Power Card).

Having Friends in Heroes Rising is a double-edged sword at times. New players or people who created new Facebook accounts will try to 'friend' you, but while during game play, they will do everything they can to keep you from winning. The five additional Power Cards you have access to could mean five additional active Power Cards for the league you are fighting during League Wars. The player who constantly holds the first rank in a Event Challenge is kept there because of the Power Cards your friendship allows them to use. 

Let's be serious here. On the Heroes Rising Players Page, people who are your supposed 'friend' don't treat you like one as they stalk your posts and do their best to break your hero. A new 'friend' you might make will benefit just the same if you quit the game, and some actively seem to try to take this tactic. Get to the newbie and get that click on "Friend", then never speak to that person again.

That said, more often than not, the players here on Heroes Rising are better than that. It is those few who spoil the game with their poor sportsmanship that makes players wary. There are far more players who play to enjoy the experience and seek to aid new players. The advice I think needs to be considered is watch who you accept 'Friend' requests from at your own discretion. 

With Facebook, people can 'Friend' others without sharing their characters name. The new option allows players to 'Friend' one another without knowing who the player is. I will admit that it has been my experience that some messages requesting friendship on Facebook have been spammers looking to chat and then their sales pitch starts, as they are not active players at all. My suggesting is to do a small bit of vetting to find out who you are 'Friend'ing. 

This new option is fantastic for those who play without Facebook, whether they be alternate characters filling a league or players who want to enjoy the game without the social media aspect. (I mentioned this before in a previous article, but remember, Facebook is a platform for the Heroes Rising game, but they have their own influence as well. If you play on Facebook, purchase prices are higher for Morphons Purchased in game compared to the prices payed when linked on the



Please consider that a friend is a gift you give yourself. Be wise about it. 
