Monday, October 24, 2022


BY: Todd Goode id#12205

Welcome guys and ghouls to round 1 of LWS SCARDY CAT. Scary Harry here, reporting on some of the killer action with my sidekick Pooky.

How are you tonight Pooky? You old bag of bones.

I'm doing good you ole talking head. Are you ready for that game of kickball?

Heck No! Last time I got a bloody nose and can't right now anyways. We gotta talk about round. what did you think about it Pooky?

Well Harry, it was pretty scary. See what I did there? The usual teams did their thing and slaughtered dang near everyone. I'm looking forward to some fresh meat in future league wars since the new guy took over and has been making some big changes. I wish I knew his name, but I can say this he was Just in here a minute ago. He had to leave. A couple of zombies had to be taken out and he is having their car towed. Butt enough about that. Let's get to the reporting. Who were your top battles in round 1 Harry?

Yeah, I saw the new guy. He had one long arm and another the same length with two real short legs. Good looking fellow. Welcome abroad. I mean Welcome aboard. Dang talk to text is acting up again.

Well, Pooky. I really enjoy a close battle. The kind that has you on the edge of your seat where you could almost role off. Them is the good ones.

I'd say division 4 had two of the best battles. Fortress of Solitude gathered the bounty on The Outlaws Inc. in a close battle. The Outlaws were arrested 67-64. The Creatures of the Night couldn't be hunted down by the SOB Hunter/killer crew as they lose 90-77.

Yep, those were two great battles Harry. I really enjoyed the battle in division 5. Bad Moon Rising just eclipsed Tygger's Freak Show, 78-61. Beware the wolves in the night.

I agree Pooky. I was howling at the moon after that battle but for my last great fight of round 1, I chose Division 8. The Freaks of Nature butchered the guys from SOB Meatlocker. and leave them with a broken freezer of meat, 91-85.

That about wraps it up like a mummy for round 1 guys and ghouls. Take some rest and get ready for round 2. It's going to be a bloodbath. This has been Scary Harry with Pooky, reporting. we'll be lurking forward to round 2 battles.