Monday, October 17, 2022

Fanfiction origin story and Hero rising, Universe, Quacktober: Joan of Arc

ID: 35981

“You are being sent back to earth, “said Michael. They need you they need hero like you to fight for what’s right and no matter the obstacle you are were inspiration to many in your previous life I hope you be one now they need heroes like you more than ever.” I will with best of my ability.” I know you will I always admired your bravery you are being sent to the New York there has been some numerous accounts of missing children, I want you to find out what’s going on and if you possible find the children and bring them home.” “Here is a new sword, shield, bow and arrow and brand new carefully crafted set of armor crafted by the Infamous Elloy.” “Thank you I will find the poor children and bring them home,” and with that I was transported to the city. The city was huge and vast and tall buildings dominated skyline. People have sure come a long way since was last time I was on earth most people were living small cottages and stone castle, amazing. Just then a little girl comes running up to me.” Hey oh my gosh you’re the Joan my Grandfather Pierre told me stories of you, you so strong when I grow up, I want to just like you.” My name Michelle asked by father to meet you here, He is police the commissioner at 1pp.” “We can take ride Taxi there.” “What is a taxi.” A Taxi is car… I mean a machine you pay the driver to drive you around to where you need to go.” I guess I have a lot has changed no more horse drawn carriages.” Not much anymore except Central Park and there are the mounted Police that patrol Central Park.” “Taxi!” yelled Michelle soon yellow car pulled up. “Where to said the driver.” 1PP.” “Ok get in.” “If you don’t mind asking, are you going to a renaissance fair your dressed in armor why?” “No kind sir I’ve given task in searching for the missing children.” “Okay then one them superheroes that have been appear all over then; I see.” “I’m glad just other day few of children downstreet from my apartment went missing.” “We are here.” “We got out Michelle here is 20 for the fare.” No no its on me the not every day get meet a superhero and drive them, I didn’t get name miss.” “Its Joan sir.” My name Jean nice meet you wait as in St Joan of arc the nuns at Sunday school when I was boy told me stories of you it is really been a pleasure, here’s my phone number, call me if you ever need a ride again.” Handing it to Michelle. “My dad’s office on the top floor.” Walked through the door.” “Over here Joan, here is the elevator.” I walked over Michelle pushed a bump on the wall it lit up then to two sliding doors opened. I stepped in tiny room. “What is an elevator?” I asked. “It is a much quicker way of going up a building without using stairs,” said Michelle. “Fourteenth floor” said Michelle as she pressed a bump on the wall. Suddenly room started vibrating and I felt like I was being lifted upward. “This is fascinating what’s next you gonna tell me people fly now,” I said. “Michelle giggled,” well there is airplanes.” I was amazed and dumbfounded by all the changes. “He we are,” Michelle said, as the door slid open. Just down this hall.” We arrived a door that said Commissioner, Jamie Reagan. Michelle opened the door. “Dad!” she yelled. I found her like you asked!” As she ran around the desk and leaped into her dad’s arms.

“You did thank you my love.’ “Here is a dollar go get treat and hangout and Uncle Danny’s office till mom comes to pick you up ok.” “Okay thank you,” she said as she took the dollar and darted out of the room. “Now down to business, I take it your Joan I was told in dream by Michael you would be coming help us.” My name Jamie Reagan imy head of police in this city.” “We need all the help we can get, kids all over the city are going missing and I’ve had every cop looking and searching for traces and clues and nothing has turned up.” Where was last kidnapping, “I asked. “The last one in a in Harlem, “A boy… let’s see here named Matthew Smith.” “Ill start there, “I said. “Okay give me minute I’m gonna call my brother see if my wife picked up Michelle yet.” Hello did Eddie pick up Michelle, yes, ok thank you can come up Joan is here.” “I told numerous times don’t call me that I’m your boss now” He put a little device down. “He will be right up.” “What is that I asked.” Its a cellphone you use it talk to people.” “Wow she has got a lot to learn said man in the doorway.” Don’t even know what a cell phone how she supposed help us and what’s with the knight outfit, have entered an episode of Game of Thrones.” That’s enough Danny we need all help we get you yet to find any leads.” Okay then I guess will head over Harlem where last kidnapping was.” Okay Follow me.” We walked out building to a parked in front of building.” Get in put the seat belt on here’s how you do it got buckle it’s the law.” He said as demonstrated. Will do quick stop at hot dog vendor at the corner been I’ve been busy with this big case haven’t eaten much.” Okay here we are let’s get out.” We walked over to a little what looked like a wagon a guy was handing out food.” “You want one,” he said. “No thank you.” I said. Just then felt saw big flash of blinding light then everything went quiet and froze. “Joan, I found you.” I looked over it was Archangel Gabriel l with his horn at waste as always. “Sorry to interrupt had speak with you and couldn’t have people listening in they can’t see me or hear me so, I didn’t want them to think you’re crazy, talking to yourself.” Father tasked me with sending to another dimension help you with knowledge barrier you have from being so gone it help with your mission if you knew more about world as it is now.” A lot has changed,” I said. “Yes, it has you have no idea for better and unfortunately the worst.” “Let us be off and with that we left. “We are here, “said Gabriel. “This land is called hero rising, you must find your way to The Master Librarian.” “He will help you and give you knowledge you need to better Earth and what’s going on a lot quicker than people teaching you.” “Like sang goes knowledge is power” Michael is here training he may be able to point you right direction you, “You will find him a Bar Called Free City, just up the street I do the believe.” “Okay thank you.” I started walking down street and came to a lit-up sign that said Free City. “I went inside and saw there was Michael hovering over a green table poking a stick what looked like colored balls. “Oh, hey Joan just about done.” “Long time no see.” What you mean I only saw you hours ago.” “Time is slower here, in fact when you leave no time will have past since you left.” Wow that’s crazy hard wrap my head around.” “What brings you here Joan training.” No actually I am supposed to find someone called the Master Librarian.” “Why need find him.” “He supposed help me learn all things that happened after my death on earth, to help me better understand the current world.” He lives at top of the Golden tower at center of town you can’t miss it, I’ll take you there.”” Hey see you later Mystic and Zumbaman you owe me some Bux when I get back for beating you.” “Tell the owner when get back from his errand will have that drink.” “See you Michael,” said Mystic. “Ill pay you when get back you pool shark,” Zumbaman chuckled. We headed out door. You probably wondering why I was there in this world you join league and you fight grow together and grow in strength.” “Can I Join I said I could use some training I’m a little rusty.” I’m sure the leader will let you join he is good guy.” We are almost there just up the front steps here.” I walked to in door to what looked like elevator. Michael pushed bump on the wall and we got inside and rode to the top. “Here we are,” said Michael. I walked two big golden doors and before me a vast library. Over here is his office.” I walked in room it was cluttered with books and old artifacts. There stood very old man “You must be Joan I’ve been expecting you.” “You have?” I asked. “I’m the master Librarian and all knowing.” “No more like Gabe stopped by and told you, “Chuckled Michael. “I got back you good Joan?” “Yes.” The old man came up to me and spoke. “You’re here for the apple of knowledge” One big problem I can’t find it.” Where did you see it last.” I said. “I had at my enchanting table I was casting illusion spell on it and turned it to a duck statue so no one would steal it.” Darn it I’m so forgetful I’ve been trying for longest time to organize my library.” Trace your last steps could you misplaced it.” “No, wait you might be on to something not misplaced mislabeled, its in aviary section” He darted out of the room I raced after him man that old man sure could run. “Here we are,” he said out of breath. “Here you are,” as he waved hand and changed back into an apple. “Hold it and you will learn everything you need know.” I held in hand soon rush knowledge flew into my head. I felt like my head was going explode. My head spinning. Suddenly everything settled down. “Man, that was intense.” It can be said the Librarian. Thank you this make things a lot easier.” “I got get back.” He said. With a wave of his hand doorway appeared he opened it.” This will take you back to earth he said.” I stepped through doorway. To be Continued…….