Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Quacktober FAN-FICTION CONTEST ST Michael story Continued ....

ST Michael ID 14267

“All done with the sword and your armor don’t lose your sword this time okay it’s one of kind forged special and specially tempered for you; it is little heavier than last one so keep that in mind when you swing.” “Thank you, Eloy, fine craftmanship as always.” Michael, Gabriel stopped by he said that you are to meet Your Elder brother Azrael in Mexico City to receive further instructions for your mission.” Azrael, I thought to myself he always scared me his gloomy demeanor and appearance and his ferocity brutally in battle was unmatched. He was one sent as last resort when a problem had to be taken care of. Yet he had unexplainable since of peace he gave you when you were around him. As I approached the border to Mexico, I saw people all over streets with decorations and candles and people starting gather in cemeteries. Wait that means it’s almost Día de las Brujas, oh great that’s not good that’s when the spiritual plane vale is its thinnest and the humans our more vulnerable to demon attacks. Ill have be on my guard. I flew to steeple of a Cathedral where he was supposed to be. Where is he should be here. You’re late a Soft,” voice said from behind. “Yikes scared me I nearly fell.” I tend have to have that first impression on the living,” chuckled Azrael. “Now down to what matters,” I’m afraid your current mission will need to be delayed there is an urgent matter.” Just then a huge flock of what appeared to be ducks diving down toward the people gathering in graveyard. “What heck is going on?” The ducks are possessed by minor imps they have taken a liking to terrorizing the people gathering celebrate the passed.” “They are weak don’t put much a fight and struggle to maintain control just about every other word they say is quack.” They our becoming a nuisance though. “Well let’s take care of them,” I said. “Do lets, as he materialized his massive scythe. The thing about his scythe live to tell is that his scythe as invisible blade extended outward from the visible blade which would deceive an unlucky foe if thought they dodge and fine themselves cut into. I drew my sword they were everywhere. “We were QUACK a little QUACK fun!!” “Begone you wretch!” They Started dive bombing and pecking at everyone in sight.” That is a ENOUGH,” yelled Azrael as he swung his Scythe killing over half the flock. “You could have taken care of them on yourself.” No couldn’t they have been attacking everywhere. Just then I heard a loud,” QUACK will be back you little QUACK mark my words QUACK!” “Hurry we need to follow them to find out where they are coming from!” We flew out of the city to a mountain. “Where did they go.” “They went into that cave opening over there. I dove down.” Wait yelled Azrael!” I paused, “why they are right in there we can end this now.” “No that is unwise we will would be fighting on their turf.”” How are we going take care this?” Let’s camp here and take time to come up with a plan, besides it is getting dark.” Just then a torch was descending from the sky it was Uriel. “How goes it my twin,” said Azrael. They did look same but Uriel had more inviting aura he gave off. “Gabriel said you might need a hand.” “Okay,” I Said, “what’s that torch going do anyway they still out number us.” Uriel chuckled not just torch that lights way it shows the truth and will expel the demons from the ducks.” “Have your weapons at the ready make sure there isn’t any stragglers that get away.” I drew my sword. Let’s finish this I yelled!” Uriel aimed his torch in the cave entrance, it lit up the whole cave. I heard loud screams coming from inside,” IT BURNS QUACK QUACK BURNS!” Soon after droves of ducks flew out of the cave. “Here they come! “Yelled Azrael. Soon a swarms of imps came crawling out. I started swinging and jabbing my sword downward.” “Let none escape!” yelled Uriel. As he lifted his torch upward the flame grew big then he swiftly dropped down engulfing the rest in flame. “It is finished.” said Azrael “Thank you both for the help.” “No problem,” said Uriel,” I got head back I’m needed elsewhere.” “Thank you, Michael you were great help as always, I apologize I have appointment I must keep Ill meet you at the same place enjoy festivities stay out of trouble.” Will do,” I said. “Being the angel of death hard work never ends.” And with that he flew off.