Monday, December 19, 2022

12 Days of Christmas: Shuffles Past Day Six Reveal of Psychic Claw


I see great things in your future, hero, if you pick up a pair of today's newest choice in gear from the Shuffles Past event. Slip these on and you will feel more powerful than ever as you discover how to tear apart your opponent by turning their dreams into nightmares.

Psychic Claw

Let your fingers do the walking through memories where you can mine for clues to a villain's deepest, darkest fears. Use what you discover to turn your foe into a terrified mouse while you toy with their mind until just the right moment when you POUNCE and rend them from nose to toes.

Life +150 is a fearsome boost to your endurance.

Frightful Nightmare Aura +23 is nearly enough to put anyone into a mental ward. While not ideal for a RAID, this piece of gear will always be useful in PVP against mentally weak opponents.

Major Strike +5% helps to make sure the damage you do on the physical plane leaves a calling card of your astral visit.

For the next 6 days, foresee yourself to the Nova's Mystery Shuffle and make these yours. Or if you aren't lucky enough to get them, save up your Exchange Tokens and get them until the Shuffles Past event fades from your memory.
