Tuesday, December 6, 2022


BY: Todd Goode id#12205

It had already been the longest of days. Iboshin Gu had just came down from the King of the Hill victorious in not just one but two harrowing battles. You could see that those battles must have been devastating as his outfit was torn and dirty and his body was bruised and scarred but still continued onward for some food, rest and recuperation for his next inevitable battle. Iboshin Gu thought to himself, "I can't wait to get back to my small village by the sea and do some relaxing."

As he walked further, Iboshin Gu could have sworn he heard his name being called out from a distance. "Iboshin Guuuu." It was faint and dismissed it as being just tired from battle. He continues onward.

Iboshin Gu heard his name called out again like a whisper on the wind. It was ghostly and distant but ever closer as he walked on. Only now, Iboshin Gu was on his guard even in his tired state.

In the distance as he walked, Iboshin Gu could see a dark figure against the darkening mountainside. The figure called out Iboshin Gu's name again and beckoned him over. "Iboshin Gu, come over here to me now."

Reluctantly and guarded, Iboshin Gu approached the mysterious dark figure only to see more clearly that the figure was surrounded by an eerie smoke and was covered by a torn hooded cloak, but the wearer of the cloak floated above the ground and had no discernable face.

The apparition pointed and showed Iboshin Gu a hidden cavity in the rock wall of the mountain he just descended and spoke. "Your skills have served you well champion. You truly are the King of the Mountain top but all you have done is climb. Do you have the skill, strength and courage to descend into the depths of this mountain and learn of the treasures hidden within? The deeper into the depths you can go, the greater the treasures you will be awarded."

"Choose now! Enter and descend the depths or remain atop and continue climbing the same mountain top?"

Iboshin Gu chooses to descend and begins to enter the cavernous cavity of the mountain when the smoky apparition stops him and gives a warning.

"Your path will be dimmed, and your enemies will be very strong. I offer you these three candles. Use them wisely, I will only give you three. Use them to plan your attacks. You may have found other candles while doing patrolling. Save them for the depths of this dark domain and the paths you will discover.

Iboshin Gu enters the dimly lit tunnel only to find two paths to choose from and fighters blocking each path. He must choose one path to go forward. He can see different rewards for each path and the fighters he must choose to face. Which path do I want to take? Which fighter do I fight? Iboshin Gu remembers the apparition's warning. "Use these candles wisely. They will help you decide which fighter and path to take."

Iboshin Gu thinks to himself, "Do I use a candle or take the chance and maybe lose." For if he loses, he will be taken away from under the mountain without a prize.

Iboshin Gu decides to light a candle and sees more clearly which fighter he is more suited to fight and the treasure that awaits upon his victory.

There is some writing on the cavern wall. "Fighters may transport and make changes to their outfit and return by pressing this stony koth icon.

Iboshin Gu chooses the left path as it better suited his strengths. He fights and is victorious. He collects his prize of power and goes further into the deep tunnel cavern.

Iboshin Gu wonders in the cavern until he sees that the path again diverges into two paths but with stronger opponents, only revealed by lighting a second candle. He chooses the right path and fights the fighter blocking his way and collects his power prize.

He chooses a third divergence further into the cavern and is again victorious. He wonders further, exploring his surroundings until he reaches his final destination.

Before Iboshin Gu lies an open and ornate chamber that looks to be a shrine of sorts. Filled with statues of heroes that came before. Iboshin Gu hears movement around him but see nothing but prepares for a battle.

Suddenly a creature appears before Iboshin Gu. The creature bears a striking resemblance to Iboshin Gu. The creature begins to speak in a low toned bass voice. Iboshin Gu is alarmed but ready.

"I am Shade, the dark side of you Iboshin Gu. You may have defeated many opponents to reach this far Iboshin Gu, but you have yet to face your toughest opponent; the one within. Can you defeat the one within? Do you have the power and courage to defeat yourself?"

Iboshin Gu approached the uncanny looking creature, and they were nose to nose. Iboshin Gu simply replied, "Yes."

The battle begins between Iboshin Gu and the creature. The two were equally matched. The battle could go either way, but the evil Shade takes Iboshin Gu nightmare and poison damage and succumbs to the damage and his form begins to dissipate into a mist. Before the mist of Shade clears the area, a voice can be heard.

You have done well Iboshin Gu. You had the courage and strength to defeat your inner demon, the one within. I bestow upon you a new power and a special mystery shuffle token to used when in need.

Iboshin Gu receives his prize and upon doing so, the ornate chamber begins to glow in a blinding light. Iboshin Gu finds himself a long distance away from the mountain and at his village by the shore. He could fight another battle if he wanted, maybe even another mountain but not this day. Iboshin Gu takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. "Today, I rest."
