Sunday, December 11, 2022

Game Guide: MORE .... FRIENDS

BY: Todd Goode id# 12205

"Friends .... How many of us have them? ... Friends ...Ones you can depend on ... Friends ..."

Oh, hi. Ya'll caught me jammin. Since ya'll caught me jammin out about friends, let's talk about them for a moment.

Let me snag this line from a song from say back in the day when I was still a youngin. 'Friends' came out in 1990 by Whodini, and the first verse goes a little like this. Sing it if ya know it. "Friends .... How many of us have them? ... Friends ...Ones you can depend on ... Friends ..."

How many of us have them and how many 'MORE' of them do we need in the game. The answer is, as many as we can get and 'MORE'. The 'MORE' friends' the better. How do you get them?

Well, it's pretty easy for the most part. All you have to do is send an in-game friend request, better known as 'Send Teammate Request' button on the players profile page.

Why do you need em? "Friends"? Well, they make you stronger. For every teammate "friend" you have, you will be able to use 5 of their strongest attack power cards, 5 of their strongest defensive power cards and 5 of their strongest Movement cards.

Your team size cannot be higher that your level. So, if you are a level 649 player for example, you can use 3245 attack power cards, 3245 defense power cards and 3245 movement power cards. All from your "Friends". That's a big chunk of power you don't have to pay for. Only your "Friends" strongest cards will be automatically selected to be used with your decks. It's good to know this kinda stuff.

So basically, you want all the "Friends" you can get. Also, you can have more "Friends" than you need per level. They'll have to wait in the wings so to speak and be added to your power decks as you level up. They'll be there when you need them. "Friends ... How many of us have them? ... Friends ...Ones you can depend on ... Friends ..."

Be honest, if you know the song, you were singing along while reading it. No shame in ya game, It's a killer song. Now, how are you gonna get them?

This is what you need to be doing. Go to the battle tab and click it. Jump to the highest-level toon and start teammate/friend requesting there. Click on the first player's name in the list and go to their profile page and click the "send teammate request" button. Next click the battle tab and click on the next name you see. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

No lie though, its gonna take pretty much a whole day to friend request every player in the game, maybe more but if you work your way down to level 80-90 and click that "Send teammate request" button, you will get more friends than you need for a while.

Now, it's important that realize this, especially if you are new player. Some battle lists have "MORE" than one page. From the highest-level player down to level 80-90, there may only be one page of names but from level 1 to 80ish each level will have multiple pages to friend request. So, after you finish page 1 of level 1, you need to click the "MORE" button to see the next page of level ones and so. You will find more friends than you thought possible.

So, work on friend requesting them all and everybody. You will help yourself and also those around you and enjoy the strength increase for those who do not have many friends yet.