Saturday, May 2, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Jinn Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Collatio Tomi

Cupid walked up a path to a dilapidated monastery. To any other traveler, this was a ruin to be dismissed, but he knew better. Entering the place he found a well organized room with charts and maps pinned to the walls, weapons and other tools lined shelves, and several iron boxes were locked with extremely intricate mechanisms.
Nova studied a large map with his one good eye. Cupid approached him, “Are you ever going to not do this all on your own?”
Nova laughed, “Maybe. It is a hard job, but somebody has to do it. Besides, those who do know of my operation believe I am one of many.”
“That’s because you are all over the place. I have wings and I don’t move around as much as you.”
“True. But, for now, it is easier keeping secrets alone.” Nova looked at him, “So, what has become of Jinn?”
“He is on his own. Without his powers, he is nothing more than another human, at least to the humans. He can make a life for himself out there and maybe learn a little about humility.”
“What about his powers, that bottle of his?”
Cupid sat down on a chair, “Lady Phoenix took it back to their palace in Nippon. There they will protect it.”
“Seems foolish to keep it here on this world. If I were them, I would at least plant it on the moon or something like that.”
Cupid shook his head, “Lady Phoenix still holds onto hope that one day her son will gain the wisdom needed to get his power back without threatening anyone.”
“You and I both know that is not possible.”
“Anything is possible. But, I don’t believe it will happen anytime soon.”
Nova spent a moment thinking, almost lost in his thoughts.
Cupid asked, “Is there something bothering you?”
“Yes. I was killed, I mean I felt that blade go through my body. I couldn’t move as I watched him defeat his father and then be defeated himself. I was on the brink of death when everything changed. I am fine and the world is back to where it was before. Sultan Ahmed signed that Treaty of Passarowitz and everything is fine.”
“Time magic.” Cupid said.
“Time magic?”
Cupid gave a soft nod, “It is the most dangerous power we can wield. In fact, no one of my kind can possibly hope to use it, it takes several. And, it hardly works. It can backfire horribly. We tried it when Legion destroyed our world, and it only bought us a little more time before they did it again. The only reason we decided it was necessary here was because of the impact of Jinn’s conquest. This world was already reeling from the long war with the Ottomans before he took over. His war cost millions of lives, the cost was so high and the long term impact so terrible, we had to do something.”
Nova said, “Then, it is a way to undo what tragedies that have been done.”
“Once.” Cupid stated, “Only once. We have warped the fabric of time around this world, and in no small way. If we do it again, even on a smaller scale, it could destroy everything here. There can never be a time when we try this again.”
“What of the Sultans? Won’t they be missing their Jinn?”
“They don’t remember him. We took the memory of his work out of their minds. For centuries now they have written the histories to say that it was their brilliance and good luck that so much went their way. That fiction has become their reality, they will only recall that truth and not what really happened. As far as this world goes, only we remember everything as it was.”
“Fascinating. So, should I keep an eye on him?”
Cupid shook his head, “He is no threat. Where he goes, if any of our kind is near, they will keep an eye on him. Otherwise, we will leave him alone.”
“Then, I guess we need to get back to our lives and hope that none of the others go crazy.”
Cupid laughed, “I doubt that will happen.” He got up and headed for the door, “I will be seeing you, thank you for your help.”
“I will always be keeping a close watch.”
With that Cupid left and Nova returned to his maps.
300 Years later.
Jinn, hooded in a dark cloak, fought the harsh northern winds of the arctic. Climbing up a huge glacier he found a deep crack split eons ago. It becomes apparent that this was no ordinary natural fissure in the ice, the path was too even and the walls too clear. Someone made this for a purpose, and Jinn knew this.
He stopped before another frozen figure, trapped inside the ice. It was a monstrous being with horns, shaggy fur, fangs, and claws.
“Ah, Krampus, you have no idea how long it has taken me to find your location.” Jinn spoke as he pulled out a special laser, an alien weapon left after one of the battles from Legion here on Earth. Using the beam, he heated the ice, cold water gushing across the ground. Soon half of Krampus is free and he begins to wake.
“” Krampus mumbles.
“I don’t believe I want to let you know my name just yet. The others do not realize where I am or that I have plans. But, I need your help.”
Krampus craned his head side to side, bones popping as he recovered from his frigid state, “ you...need?”
“I need you to help me trap Santa.”
Krampus sneered with those fangs of his, “Impossible.”
“Not if we steal his sleigh first.”
Krampus’s sneer turns to a wicked grin.
Chase gasped and looked up, she was now standing in front of a case with the same laser pistol that she had seen in Jinn’s hands. She looked around the room, realizing she had moved without even knowing it.
“What happened? I was there, I watched all that happen.”
EB hopped up and stood before her on the case holding the weapon, “I guided you around the room as I spoke, your power connected to objects and let you see the story unfold.”
Chase looked at the weapon, “So, he freed Krampus to attack the world.”
“Yup. Jinn needed a source of power to give him back what he lost. We protect our objects of power with great care. And, without any power of his own, he was incapable of gaining ours. But, with the help of Krampus, another fallen member of my kind, he was able to steal Santa’s sleigh and harvest magic out of it. How he did it, I do not know. But, he was always extremely clever. After that he stole magic from Cupid through the bow, and then garnered all of Leprechaun’s magic. He not only has power back, he has even more than before.”
“I have to tell Nova all about this.”
EB smiled, “Good idea. I think I need to leave. Nova’s right, Jinn isn’t after me, he has enough power as it is. But, I still need to keep moving and avoid being caught. Here,” He pulled out a small, crystal egg from his basket. “Take this.”
“What is it?” She examined the small prism egg.
“When you need me, in the most dire moment, smash that. I will come to you and do what I can to help.”
“Wow, this is amazing.”
“Nova has one as well. I only give it to people I trust.” EB hopped up and kissed her on the cheek, then dashed out of the room.
Chase laughed, “That little flirt.”
After that she locked up the museum and proceeded to Nova, where she would tell him what she learned.
To be continued...
