Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Missing Mythic Part 10

Crimson Guardian swooped in a large arc to avoid being hit by the insane dragon. Lord Dragon screamed as fire billowed out of his mouth. Crimson landed on the ground near a small island city. He pushed his hands forward and a barrier formed. The fire blazed across the surface. Citizens rushed toward BADGE rescue boats with Fleagle guiding them.
The Dragon bellowed again, then slammed in the face by a blast of ice. He turned and chased a flying woman, both heading out over open water. Strange Quark intercepted his next attack to keep the woman from being killed.
Fleagle ran up to Crimson. “I think we’ve got everyone!”
Crimson released the barrier and looked at the panting dog-man. “Good. Take them northward, we will see if we can push him south.”
Fleagle jumped back as a giant fiery explosion engulfed several heroes. “Why are there so few heroes? Should we have, I dunno, like a thousand out here?”
Crimson shook his head. “Nova has a plan. He doesn’t want to get many people hurt. Cupid nearly took us all out, and his arrows didn’t even kill. Lord Dragon will burn us alive. He is powerful. But, like cupid, we can bring him back to his senses.”
Fleagle huffed, “That’s if we can find all the pieces of the pearl.”
Crimson almost answered when he shoved Fleagle behind him. “WATCH OUT!” He pushed both hands forward, a barrier formed just in time to stop a ball of fire. It exploded, sending a wave of flames outward, catching parts of the island on fire. “GET THE PEOPLE OUT OF HERE!” Crimson raced forward and then jumped off the hood of a car, launching himself into the air. He met the Dragon with a single fist to his face.
Chase and Gar watched the battle with Lord Dragon through the BADGE drone camera footage on their comm devices. They were still in the throne room of the palace, alone.
“This is bad,” Chase commented.
Gar nodded while he watched two heroes slammed into the ocean by Lord Dragon. “At least no one has died...yet.”
Chase huffed, “I don’t kn…do you hear that?” She stopped and looked up.
Gar walked out to the little garden nearby. “Oh, no.”
Chase ran out there and looked skyward. Helicopters from both the media and military crowded the sky. “It was only a matter of time before they sent people to see the strange new palace. Do you see any BADGE vehicles up there?”
“I do not. I could fly up and check,” Gar said.
Just then the voice of Easter Bunny said, “not a good idea. They might think you’re a bad guy.”
Both turned to find EB standing in the throne room. “EB!” Chase called out.
He hopped over and jumped up so she would catch him. He grinned at her as she cradled him, “Hey, babe. Good to see ya.”
Chase opened her arms and dropped him. “Don’t call me babe.”
Gar frowned at the rabbit, “Are you..”
“The one and only Easter Bunny! And my best friend is right behind me.”
Just then Director Nova entered the palace through the main doors, a few heroes with him. He said, “I am not your best friend.”
EB hopped over to him and grinned. “You know you like me.”
Nova sneered. “I hide it well.”
Chase asked, “Sir, did you see...”
“Yes, I saw the aircraft. We have Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and American military out there, and media from all over the area.”
Gar said, “you want me to make them leave?”
“Won’t have to,” Nova stated.
“Why?” Chase asked.
EB explained, “well, on our way here. We got contacted by many heroes. I mean, everyone is out there looking for pearl pieces. They are so on this. I should have them help me hide eggs, I haven’t done that in years. So many powerful people who can get into places and...”
“EB!” Nova barked, the bunny shut up. “As he said, we have people coming at any moment.”
“Sir,” Donald Blake, one hero with Nova, came over with his comm, “We have contacts.”
Nova smiled. “Good. Give them coordinates.”
Dr. Blake spoke into his device. In a few brief moments, several heroes arrived. All held sizeable chunks of the pearl.
“THAT’S IT!” EB hopped around, “AWESOME!”
Furious Squirrel, holding a piece, asked, “What do we do with this?”
“Hold onto it.”
Just then Krystal Fae came flying in, holding both a piece of the pearl and Maneki-Neko. “Nova! Am I glad to see you.”
“MANEKI!” EB hopped in circles around where Krystal landed.
“Who is this?” Krystal turned once, following the overly excited bunny.
Maneki-Neko jumped down and hugged EB. “It is good to see you. I am so worried about Lord Dragon.”
EB held her paws with his. “I am too. His heart is broken...as is mine.”
Maneki-Neko nodded tears in her feline eyes. “It is impossible to imagine Lady Phoenix...” she couldn’t say it.
EB gave her another hug. “I know. Life will never be the same.”
Krystal approached Nova, Chase, and Gar. “Is what she said true? Is the queen of these people...dead?”
Chase answered, “Jinn killed her, she died right here.”
Krystal, still battered and bruised, said, “I felt something terrible, something magical that was as dark as anything I have sensed in my life.”
Nova tried to speak, but he was at a loss for words.
Chase asked, “Is something wrong, sir?”
Nova gave a quick nod. “I have to focus. I knew Lady Phoenix well, she was a kind soul...a loving soul. I have lost a lot of friends in my life, but I never thought she would be one of them. I know the pain Lord Dragon is in. We have to cure him of this curse so he can properly mourn.”
Gar said, “she was my friend too. I will punch Jinn myself for her.”
Nova gathered himself and looked at the red-headed woman. “Krystal, I need you to be in charge of the pearl gathering. Work with EB and Maneki-Neko, help the heroes get them together. I need to know if we can make that thing whole again.”
“I will see what I can do, this is...strange magic.”
“Do what you can.”
EB hopped over and bounced around Nova. “What are my orders, sir! Huh? Make me co-commander, leader of the forces!” He shadowboxed with his tiny paws.
Nova rolled his one eye. “No, but you and Maneki can help. We need to seal this place again, keep the media and military from getting in, we are in enough mess as it is.”
EB hopped high enough to give Nova a friendly smack on the shoulder. “Will do, commander general sir!”
Gar said, “Director, your eye is twitching...are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine. We need...”
Chase stopped him. “We need to talk, privately.”
The NHK helicopter circled the strange palace, the reporter energetically describing everything to the Japanese media. In the studio, they had an expert on ancient Japanese architecture examining the footage of the new building.
“It appears a military craft landed moments ago and people entered the palace through the garden.” The reporter stated as they watched Nova and his crew enter. “Wait...yes, we are seeing more people arriving. They appear to be superhuman as some are flying unassisted.”
Just then the helicopter jostled.
The reporter jumped in his seat as he now looked at the hooded figure looming over him. “WHAT THE! WHO ARE YOU?”
Jinn smiled under his hood. “Good question, but you’re hardly worthy of an answer.”
“How did you get on board!” The reporter held his ear and answered, “Sorry, yes, we just had someone enter the helicopter. Sir, are you a superhero?”
The pilot pointed down. They all watched the peculiar sight of two small figures ascending the roof. EB and Maneki-Neko stood high, each held up their paws. A barrier formed from the ground up as a large bubble, surrounding the palace. As it passed over the gardens and buildings, the false image of forests returned.
“That would be my cue.” Jinn moved his hand and the door of the helicopter opened, blasting wind inside. He said. “Sorry, can’t have you warning them.” He jumped out the open window and sent a blast of energy at the helicopter, destroying it as he turned into his dive. He vanished just a few feet away from the explosion.
