Friday, May 8, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Missing Mythic Part 6

Part 6

Everyone stood before the throne of Lord Dragon. Lady Phoenix, in her actual form, stood beside him. There was a freestanding mirror brought into the room, connected to Gar’s communicator. Through it, Nova joined the meeting from BADGE HQ.
Quark gave the information he knew, “That is the last I saw of him. From the direction Krystal hit him, he went south.”
“That means little.” Lord Dragon stated, “Jinn can move with great speed.” He stroked his chin.
Nova asked, “What was he looking for? Did he attack another of his kind in Hong Kong?”
Quark nodded, “I had been tracking an energy signature that was leading me to one, but I never saw them. When I arrived, he was attacking the locals. Wait, just before he screwed up gravity I thought I saw him with a cat...or...something like a cat.”
“Maneki-Neko.” Lady Phoenix said.
Gamma Ray asked, “Who?”
Lady Phoenix said, “Maneki-Neko is one name she is called. She took up the image of a beneficial feline of your people’s myths. She is the oldest of our kind and the weakest. She has spent her life here in peace. It makes me sad that he chose her to terrorize.”
Nova asked, “What did he want? Could this Maneki-Neko person know of the missing mythic?”
“No.” Lord Dragon stated, “She has aided us in our search before and not found anything.”
Gamma said, “Then our goal is clear. Find this person before Jinn does.”
Chase spoke up, “Sir, what about what the Leprechaun said?”
Nova shook his head, “I don’t know.”
Strange Quark asked, “What did he say?”
Nova answered, “After we had captured him, Leprechaun indicated that one member of BADGE was of his people. But there are only three official BADGE members, Chase, Gargoyle, and myself. All others are field agents or heroes who merely work with BADGE.”
Lord Dragon asked, “Why hasn’t this information been put forward?”
Nova said, “Because I don’t believe Leprechaun is all that trustworthy. In my opinion, he was just attempting to sow discord or confusion.”
Lord Dragon gave a nod, “Agreed. This information was likely false. However, we won’t entirely dismiss it yet.”
Nova said, “For now, let us focus on the plan at hand.”
“Precisely,” Lord Dragon looked at Nova, “When your agents arrive, you will have what you need to find my kind.”
“Thank you. What we will do...” Nova was cut off.
Lord Dragon said, “I will be in charge of this from now on.” He ignored the glare from Nova and continued with his commands. “Lady Phoenix has supplied your agents with a set of favors. Each person here will receive one. These will grant the wearer the ability to understand my kind regardless of the language they speak. It will also allow my kind to know you are trusted. I need BADGE operatives and heroes to spread out and locate members of my race and seek any information they might have on this missing person. Also, if any find evidence of Jinn, report it back at once so we can hopefully know his movements. I have sent a list to you, Director of the mythics your people will seek. The people here at the palace will work under my direct command to go and seek others.”
Director Nova said, “This would be easier if we had one of your kind here at HQ to help me. Understanding your people is not easy. They will be in hiding.”
Lord Dragon almost smiled as he responded, “You are a wise man. This is exactly what I have considered. I am sending you someone who is especially good at locating hidden things. One who will give you aid and is unquestionably loyal.”
Nova frowned, “Santa said he would be in hiding don’t mean...” There was a large crashing noise behind him.
A voice at BADGE HQ called out, “NOOOOVAA! BUUUDY!”
Nova went pale, “Oh, god no.”
Chase did not hide her snicker well.
Suddenly the monitor on Nova’s end shook and moved as a white blur bounced around. Finally, as Nova was straightening the screen, the Easter Bunny hopped up and down into view. “HEY, EVERYONE! LORD DRAGON SIR! OH, LOOK, IT’S GARGOYLE! LOVE THE WINGS! HEY, CHASE, LOOK’N GOOD BABE!”
“Would you stop that!” Nova grabbed him by a foot and dangled him in front of his face. “This is a serious situation!”
EB looked at the screen, from his upended position, and said, “My Lord Dragon, I made it. I could’a just stuck around since I was here a few weeks ago. But I had work to do. Lots of candy to make. There was this chocolate fest in Rio and you wouldn’t believe...”
“Easter Bunny,” Lord Dragon calmly interrupted, “Enough.”
“Right-o, sir.”
Lord Dragon said, “Time is not on our side. Director Nova, please begin your operation at once.”
Nova unceremoniously dropped EB on the ground, “Couldn’t agree more, BADGE out.” The mirror returned to a simple reflection.
Lord Dragon nodded to his wife, and she walked up to each person and handed them a jade pendant on a golden thread. She said, “These are the favor of Lord Dragon. With these, our kind will trust you.”
Crimson looked at his medallion as he asked, “Wouldn’t it be bad if Jinn got one?”
Lord Dragon said, “With or without this pendant, none among my kind would trust him. He doesn’t need this pendant, but you do.”
“What do you need us to do?” Quark asked.
Lady Phoenix handed Crimson, Gamma, and Quark each a small scroll tube. “Each of these is the known location of one of our kind. Speak with them, warn them of what is going on.”
Quark, who hadn’t put his pendant on yet, said, “Oh, Santa, cool. Right on it.” He vanished in a flash of light. Almost instantly there came a loud bang outside, and Quark reappeared high above and hit the ground. “OW!”
Lady Phoenix helped him up, “I am sorry, but no type of magic or power can penetrate the barrier that protects this place. However, if you wear that pendant, it will allow you to leave. Walk out through the Torii like a normal human.”
Quark sneered, “Ugh, normal. I hate that word. Oh, well.” He put the pendant on and walked out.
Gamma held up his note to Crimson, “I got Maneki-Neko.”
Crimson said, “I have Quetzalcoatl, wow, cool.”
They walked out, comparing notes on who their particular mythics were.
Once they were gone, Chase asked, “What about us?”
Lord Dragon said, “I need you here as a liaison between the palace and BADGE.”
“Both of us?” Chase frowned.
“For now.” Lady Phoenix answered, “Come, we have much to do.”
