Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Fiction Contest: POWERS! (Free MP cards)

Heroes report! I want to hear what you've been up to, what adventures you participated in, what amazing actions you took to save the world or rescue a cat out of a tree. Yes, it is fiction contest time. Get ready to write something amazing. 
The theme of this contest is going to be 'Powers'. What does that mean? Glad you asked. I want you to go into your heroes power page and pick one Attack, one Defense, and one Movement power. During this story these will be the only powers your hero can use. You set the scene during one of the Jinn Saga stories, during a Legion battle, or your own story. Be original and have fun. 
Special note: Plagiarism is not acceptable. Be original, do not use another story as your own. I know how hard it is to come up with original ideas, but do your best. I know Marvel and DC have come up with some cool stuff over the years, but don't borrow from them. Tell me your story, not theirs. As I have said before, I am not judging on quality of the writing, I only want to see effort. I don't expect every person submitting to be giving me refined, bestselling quality literature. I just want everyone to have fun. 

• Fiction must be between 400-2000 words, don’t worry if you are slightly over the word count, just don’t go too far.

• Content must be PG13. No Erotica and nothing that is explicitly derogatory or inflammatory. Keep it fun for everyone.

- Judges have final authority over content, at their sole discretion.

Entering your story:

• All submissions should be posted as a top level post to the fan fiction forum. Include in the title of your post, “Powers Contest Entry: (title of work)” Only posts with this as the title will be considered for the contest.

-- Fiction forum for posting is HERE

• The first line of the post should include “Contest Entry” and your in game player id (from your profile page)

• Post your story any time before the morning of August 31st.


All reasonably good stories will get copies of the power card “Good Job”.

The best stories will also get one, two, or three “Stop the Presses” featured cards.

“Good Job” can be used as a card, or resold for 10 MP each

“Stop the Presses” can be used as a card, or resold for 30 MP each.

Your stories will be featured on the front page of this site, and linked to from the homepage of Heroes Rising.

All prizes will go out near the end of August.

As always, all reasonable effort fiction posted in the forum is eligible for one “Reality Writer” card per week. These entries will ALSO receive the normal Reality Writer card.
