Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Interview: In The Room with Krystal Fae

In the Room with Krystal Fae

By Krystal Fae
(and Chaz Hamiltion)

It didn't take being a brain surgeon for Chaz Hamilton to understand the meaning behind his latest e-mail.
Subject: Interview Training 

To: Mr. Hamilton

From: Editor-in-Chief of the Sentinel

cc: Krystal Fae, Senior Staff Reporter

Mr. Hamilton,

After your recent interview with Zen at the Antarctic Bar and Grill, we would appreciate it if you would meet with staff reporter, Mrs. Krystal Fae, for some peer advice and training on proper interview etiquette. Please meet with her at your EARLIEST convenience!!

Thank you! 

Chaz crumples the print-off of the e-mail sent to him from his bosses as he walks into the Sentinel Staff Lounge. Krystal Fae, already there with a steaming cup resting atop the table, sits with today’s edition of the Sentinel open as she writes on it. She waves politely for him to take a chair opposite her,

Chaz: “This really isn’t necessary, Mrs. Fae. That last interview was a fluke. I won’t make the mistake of drinking on the job again. Really. I think that penguin must have slipped me something.”

Krystal looks up as she gently lays the paper down on the white tabletop. She caps her ink pen and sets it over the competed crossword puzzle. “Good morning, Mr. Hamiltion. May I call you Chaz?”

Chaz, hanging his head down in defeat: “So, we are going to do this.” He takes a deep breath and straightens his bowtie. “Good morning to you as well. You can call me Chaz if I may call you Krystal.”

Krystal: “As you wish, Chaz. I want you to understand I am only doing this as a favor to the editor. I’ve got my own stories to be working on plus a long list of BADGE responsibilities.”

Chaz: “Right. You’re a busy cape as well as a reporter, gossip columnist, inventor, artist, designer, and at least a dozen other professions that I don’t even know about. Correct? Where do you find the time to do so much?”

Krystal: “I’m good at budgeting. I used to say I’d make time to do more, but the Fae Elders, Titania and Oberon, warned me that doing so would be very dangerous.”

Chaz, mouth agape, sits down across from her, confused: “Wha…?”

Krystal giggles: “I’m sorry. I’ve gotten used to talking to other casters while helping with the clean up in Bursa. Wizard and EB would have understood that joke.” Krystal pulls of her glasses and cleans the lenses with a cloth that suddenly appears in her hand out of nowhere. “Back to matters of today. I’d like to do a practice interview with you and share some pointers. You’ve done some good work, but everyone can benefit from some helpful refinement, don’t you think?”

Chaz: “Sure. Why not? I could always some new material for an article. Chaz Hamilton speaks with local 'cape', Krystal Fae—”

Krystal: “Krystal Fae sits down with Chaz Hamilton. The editor agreed that I get top billing for the article, if there is one, my being the more senior journalist and such.”

Chaz scowls: “So I do the work interviewing you and writing the story, but you get the by-line? How is that fair?”

Krystal: “Your welcome to talk to the editor yourself, if you wish to push the issue. I hear they’re looking to fill an opening in the local events department. You know, dog shows, county fairs, grocery store openings.”

Chaz pulls out his tablet and sets it to record: “No need. We might as well get started. Sooner started, sooner finished, I always say. Tell me about Director Nova? How is your working relationship with him?”

Krystal: “He's very enigmatic, but I see him as being much like my father was... He's quite inspiring.”

Chaz: “What is it like working with the other heroes?”

Krystal: “It is very rewarding. It also inspires my creation of technology to aide them. In fact, one of the projects I’m working on with BADGE is a…” She gazes out the window as if her mind is in orbit of the moon.

Chaz leans forward: “Don’t stop there. What is it?” 

Krystal blinks twice and returns her glasses to her face: “Nothing you’d be interested in. Best forget I said anything.”

Chaz: “My nose tells me there is a good story there. Don’t hold back.”

Krystal smiles: “I’ll give you credit for your instincts, but that particular story hasn’t been fully written yet. Maybe when it’s done, I’ll give you a piece of it. But for now, you simply have to trust that it is off limits.”

Chaz pausing for a moment, decides whether to continue to push or let her off the hook: “How did you come by the hero name Acidburn?”

Krystal: “Before I was aware of my Fae heritage, I was raised as a human... the moniker is the name of the female lead from my favorite movie.”

Chaz: “I’ve heard you aren’t from this Earth. After interviewing Crossroads, I’ve got a bit more understanding of how there are many different versions of our world across the dimensions. How long have you been on this version, in this new realm as you call it?”

Krystal: “I first appeared here in Dimension H-R about 3 years ago but was unable to fully materialize until just a bit over a year ago.”

Chaz: “What are the biggest differences between this world and where you come from?”

Krystal: “Earth had not developed hyper-light technology, and the only Legion we were aware of was a League of heroes.”

Chaz: “Did you leave anyone behind when you came across? If so, who? And is it even possible for you to ever return there?”

Krystal: “My human parents. You see, my Fae dad went human after I was conceived, and he married my mom. Sadly, they are dead, but I AM married to a Fae-re-keen, an individual who was born normal human, but took an oath to the Fae king and queen after a transfusion of my blood in an earlier accident. Once my task for the Fae is completed here, I will be able to travel back and forth at will.”

Chaz: “Will that be anytime soon?” Chaz's gaze look hopeful.

Krystal raises an eyebrow: “Body language, Chaz. Let’s put it this way. You’re not getting a promotion anytime in the foreseeable future.”

Chaz shrugged and does his best to look innocent: “Can you use your Fae-magic naturally or did you have to learn spells or invocations?”

Krystal: “Fae magic is an extension of Fae will, so it is inherent, but spells CAN be used to focus the abilities I possess.”

Chaz: “Do you have an arch-enemy or nemesis? A villain who constantly tries to thwart you?”

Krystal: “Not in this dimension, but back in Fae-re, Morganna, you may know of her as Morgan le Fey, is my 'mortal', or should I say, Immortal, enemy.”

Chaz: “What is your favorite color?”

Krystal: “I'm quite partial to green, but that's mostly vanity, as it complements my hair color.”

Chaz: “Your hair is very nice. Thanks for your time with this interview, Krystal Fae. One last question. Are there any projects you are currently working on that you would like to share with our readers?

Krystal: “My most recent project is leading the design team to build a new class of ship that we can use as a defense against the Legion.” Krystal lowers her eyes and stares at Chaz over the rims. “That was sneaky. Well done, but I wasn’t kidding about not wanting to talk about that. You need to learn your limits. While interviewing AND when it comes to your alcohol. While there's nothing wrong with a little drink now and then, but never drink on the job... it's just not professional...” Krystal gives Chaz a fake grin as she stands up to leave the room. “We’re done for now. I look forward to editing your work.”

Chaz remains sitting until Krystal departs the room: “Prissy, stuck up Fae! Thinks she’s better than me just because I'm normal. She ought to ask a medical professional about removing the magic wand from her—” 

Krystal’s pen lifts into the air from atop the folded newspaper, floats before Chaz’s face while tilting from side to side like the finger of a scolding teacher, and then zips out of the room with a tiny sonic boom.