Monday, September 20, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Gathering Storm Part 1

 With a good grip on the bar, Bill lifted it from the rack on the bench. His body beaded with sweat, his feet firmly planted, his back arched, he grunted and shoved the weights up. After ten repetitions, he replaced the bar.

Gerald came over and looked down at Bill’s reddened face. “Boy, that was some lifting. 1,200 pounds.”

Bill pulled himself up and dabbed his face with the towel. “Been getting stronger for some time. Real strong. Don’t know how far I’ll take it.”

Gerald gave Bill an inquisitive look and then waved at him. “Come with me.”

The aged Fight Club director snaked his way through all the men and women working out in the main part of the gym. They came to a door where Gerald had to swipe a card to unlock it. The moment they stepped into this room, a body slammed against a nearby wall.

“GOTCHA!” a woman bellowed.

People in colorful spandex applauded around the room as the man picked himself up off the floor. “Good shot, Stella. Wanna try that again?” The man brushed debris from the seat of his outfit.

Gerald interrupted this. “Wait a moment, I found another potential.”

All the people in the room took an interest in Bill. The fading red on his cheeks returned as he found all the eyes on him. “Hi.”

Stella came over to Gerald. “you sure?”

“He just bench pressed 1,200 pounds and wants to do more. Nuff said?”


Bill asked, “are you guys superheroes?”

As the other heroes nodded, Stella answered, “yup. This is the reason these gyms are called Fight Clubs. We train and practice our enhanced skills back here and then test each other in combat.”

“Cool. Can I watch a match?” Bill asked.

“Nope. Not unless you pass. Only supers are allowed.”

“How can I tell if I’m a super?”

Gerald came back with a small controller in his hand. “That’s my job. Everyone, stand back, don’t interfere with the scanner.” The other heroes all took steps back, standing against the walls. Gerald pointed to the middle of the room. “You, go stand there.”

Bill waited where he had been directed. The room darkened and a blue light filled the area. Everyone had a strange light glowing from them except Gerald. Bill suddenly realized he too had that light glowing on his skin.

“What’s this?”

Stella answered, “that would be morphonic energy. You’re a super.”

Gerald turned the scanner off, and the room returned to normal. “Yup, but a weak one right now.”

“What do you mean I’m weak?” Bill took umbrage at that description.

Gerald put the scanner away. “Now, don’t get your tights in a twist. I mean that your morhponic energy is lower than standard. You can still train up and become a super if you wish, but take some time and train here. Then, you can decide. It ain’t an easy life, kid.”

“Oh, okay. Do you mind if I think it over?”

“Take your time. Just be careful with your training. Heroes train in here because this equipment and their partners can handle stronger people.”

“I’ll just go clean up my bench and think.” Bill left the room to get his towels and cell phone.

Leaving the special room he glimpsed a person heading out the front door with his phone. “Hey!”

Running into the street, two men in black uniforms met him. They pressed something into his neck and the world went blurry.


Dozens of men and women sat in rows around a circular amphitheater. Small lights illuminated each so they could see whatever paperwork was in front of them. A beam of light bathed the podium at the center of the room where Director Nova stood. All the others were sitting in the shadows it cast. Behind the podium was a massive screen displaying the image of soldiers being held captive.

Director Nova faced the gathered people. “These are the surviving members of the World Corps guards sent to bolster the BADGE station security. Every single World Corps guard turned on us and attacked, injuring and killing many BADGE agents in the process. They also kidnapped not only one of our closest advisors, but the person we were trying to protect.”

A woman with a small flag on her stand for the nation of Italy asked, “What are you saying, Director? We ordered this attack?”

The representative from Canada added, “that would be difficult to believe. The Word Corps is anything but a military.”

Nova waited quietly for them to stop interrupting his opportunity to answer. Finally, the room was silent. “I’m only informing you of the facts. I’m here to find answers. If one or two soldiers had acted on their own, then I would be inclined to believe they were spies for yet another organization. However, the entire security force acted as one. Each one checks out, they are members of the Word Corps security forces.”

This drew a considerable amount of murmuring from the people. Several yelled out questions or comments, but their mics had not been activated. Nova refrained from responding to any of them.

Suddenly, a sharp sound of heels against the floor approached. A wave of silence befell the room as each person realized who was approaching. A woman stepped out of the shadows near the base of the conical shaped amphitheater. She was short, skinny, and had a tightly pulled hairstyle. Her face was ridged and severe, her makeup only enhancing the severity. Her dark purple pencil skirt suit blended well with the shadows until she was nearly into the direct light.

“Nova, this story of yours is… hard to believe.”

Nova gave her a single raised eyebrow. “And just who are you and who do you represent?”

She stepped up to the same level as the director, her back to the room, her eyes glaring up at him. Yet, there was still that thin, self-confident smile on her lips. “I am Judge Alpha, leader of the Word Corps.”

“Why haven’t I heard of you?” Nova asked.

She laughed, “amusing, you truly think yourself so powerful, so above us mere mortals that you know everything. The World Corps is a representative organization, dedicated to democratic ideology to further peace on Earth. As the leader of this organization, it is my duty to stand back and let it operate until my voice is absolutely needed. And, my dear Nova, it is needed when someone comes with false claims about our actions.”

“False!? I spent days in the infirmary after nearly being killed by your guards. My station was nearly destroyed. I have two, strike that, I have seven missing people. What more evidence do you need?”

She was just as calm and collected as him. “What I need, Nova, are my soldiers back. I want to hear from them what happened. We all know BADGE enjoys its autonomy. That autonomy has left you with the idea that your word never requires scrutiny. You come here, accuse this body of authorizing an attack on your station, and then expect us to just accept that. My dear Nova, that is not how it works.”

“We will return your security team when we are done questioning them.” Nova stated.

“You will return them at once, or we will revoke BADGE’s autonomy and have the UN and other nations recall all their support.”

“You can’t do that.” Nova stated.

She came dangerously close to him. “Try me.”

“I still have missing people. A member of my chief staff has been taken and we cannot…”

“That is your problem. And I wish you the best of luck. However, you will return our soldiers and let us deal with them. If we find they were part of some scheme, we will do what we can to fix the situation.”

Nova spent a moment in silence, considering his actions. He finally said, “Fine. We will return them after…”

“If they are not planetside, in our custody, in twenty-four hours, then we will act accordingly. And, that means returning any of the bodies as well.”

Nova picked up his tablet, shutting off the image on the large screen. “It seems I have little choice.”
