Thursday, September 2, 2021

Out on Patrol: Fiction Contest results

 Wow, I am so late on this. I know, I say that a lot. Life has a funny way of getting screwed up for me these past few years. Anyway, I am terribly sorry for my tardiness on this post. 

Yes, as of August 15th, the Out on Patrol competition finished. I was able to read and judge each entry. Let me say, I am more than astounded by the good work in this. I am not just blowing smoke here, these entries put me to the test to find a way to be critical enough to give them grades. Everyone followed the rules well, the stories were written right on the prompts, and they were turned in on time. 

On a personal note: I have been going through some difficult times this year. 2021 has been rougher for me than 2020. When I see people enjoying my work, my writing in this game, it really makes my day. When people talk about the characters and stories with eagerness, it makes me happier than I can express. To read these stories and see them so eloquently woven into the story I wrote, it was amazing. I know that the prompts lead you that direction, however the attention to the detail and obvious efforts were gratifying. Thank you so much. 

That said, we do have a first, second, and third place winner. Soon, everyone should receive their rewards. The stories will begin being posted on here and in the games news feed. We will begin with the stories that didn't make it into the top three, these will be posted in no particular order. Then, the last three will be posted with third place, then second, and finally first place will be the last story posted. 

Thank you everyone

Dan Peyton

P.S. The next chapter of the story arc will be coming soon. Where is EB? What happened to the Avatars? What is this secret organization up to? Be ready to find out.
