Sunday, September 26, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Gathering Storm Part 7

Nova simmered in fury as he watched the screens. Every news outlet across the world was showing the battle in Neo Utopia. Partially destroyed buildings smoked while overturned cars blazed on fire. Large sections of the Central Square of the city were smoking holes. 

A newscaster spoke in front of a camera. “We are still unclear about the identities of the responsible parties. BADGE has, thus far, refused to comment on the situation.”

“Mute this!” Nova ordered, and the screen in front of him went silent. “Get me Hotwings, NOW!”

In a matter of seconds the monitor changed  to show Hotwings  with both a normal sized Midgardsomr

and Skelanimal. “Sir, the situation is under control here.”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Skelanimal said, “it was a strange fight. They came in like they had some kinda grudge against me and Midgard. The way overused their powers, blew a lotta crap up, and fought like they ain’t ever fought a hero before. It was kinda fun, but...oof!” Hotwings elbowed him.

Midgard added, “they went down quickly. The fight was bad, but quick. Too quick if you ask me.”

Nova nodded in agreement. "It was over so quickly, I hadn't even had time to call for back-up."

"We didn't need backup." Midgard stated. "Two puny supers attacking us was hardly anything to worry about. Although, they seemed bent on causing a lot of damage in the fight."

Nova spent a moment considering this and then said, “yes, something about this doesn’t seem right. Bring those villains back for…”

Hotwings interrupted him. “Sorry, we can’t. They’ve already been apprehended.”

“By who? We’re the only organization capable of containing super humans.”

Skelanimal answered, “some dudes from something called the MHA…”

“Meta Human Activities.” Nova growled out. “A branch of the World Corps. This is definitely deeper than a simple attack. Get back to your HQ. A BADGE shuttle should already be waiting nearby.”

“Alert: Announcement involving BADGE!” A robot blurted out.

Hotwings looked at his wrist monitor. “I just got something too.”

“Put it on the screen.” Nova commanded.

Judge Alpha stood before the gathered members of the World Corps Representatives. Cameras flashed as she opened a folder on her podium. “Ladies and gentlemen. I am Judge Alpha with the World Corps. You may not know much about us at this time, but we are an organized, democratic body established to help secure our world against threats. In the recent years, those threats have gone from normal to supernatural.”

On the screen, images of destroyed cities appeared as she spoke.

“Rome Italy, Bursa Turkey, Paris France, Lawton Oklahoma, Naha City Japan, Fort Knox Kentucky, Tokyo Japan, North Onnotangu, Hallows Port North Carolina, Poseidon Island Florida, and recently Hollywood California. All severely damaged or destroyed by these threats. At the center of each threat is an organization that you believe to be protecting this world, BADGE. While BADGE claims to be protecting us, it seems that they do the exact opposite. Lives are lost, property is damaged, history is irrevocably destroyed. They placate the world with their competitions called League Wars, using an age-old tactic of feeding the masses entertainment while secretly enacting dangerous actions. And, just now, in Neo Utopia, the prime example of who BADGE truly is.”

On the screen was displayed the battle involving Midgard and Skelanimal against the two strange men.

“Neo Utopia, a city of hope and dreams, a city built on advancing peace and knowledge. Crassly attacked by two KNOWN super villains. Skelanimal tried to overthrow an entire country and did considerable damage. Midgardsomr has, on many occasions, shown complete disregard for human life, even attacking Tokyo with the help of other known agents of BADGE. This isn’t an organization of heroes, it is an organization of thugs, villains, and murderers. One can only imagine what their ultimate goal is. They have pretended to be the protectors of this world, but once we depend on them solely for our protection, what then? It is the logical opinion of this body that BADGE is attempting to take over this world. We are ordering their fight clubs closed, their leagues disbanded, and their members called in for questioning. We must end this threat before it is too late.”

The room erupted in applause at first. Nova could hear the seething sounds of Midgard on the other comm as his breath cut between bared teeth. Skelanimal smashed his monitor on the ground and then had to watch it over Hotwings’s shoulder.

Nova was about to mute this when he heard the reporters present call out questions. They asked about the threat level, about the danger, about how to truly stop super humans. Then came a voice he knew well.

“Judge Alpha! Chaz Hamilton, News Sentinel. I find your logic hard to accept. I have been present in many situations where BADGE heroes have been active. They didn’t cause the damage, they stopped who was causing it. Also, many heroes have given their lives to ensure the protection of this world. All I have said is well documented with irrefutable evidence. What proof do you have of your allegations?”

The reporters all fell silent to that question. Alpha calmly looked at him. “We will be glad to review your alleged evidence. However, we must also take into account the mountain of evidence we have, which is just as irrefutable.”

“Would you be willing to produce that evidence for the media?” Chaz asked.

Alpha shook her head and then turned away from him. “I’m afraid this news conference is over. We have a lot of work to deal with. Thank you for coming.” She brushed off the several dozen more questions thrown her direction, many of which were similar to Chaz’s.

Nova turned back to the other two. “This is a new turn of events, but not entirely unexpected. That you were attacked only proves to me that this World Corps is behind all of this. To what degree, I don’t know. But I know there is a great deal more to this than meets the eye. Midgard, Skelanimal, go back to your HQ now and stay there.”

“Aw! So we get grounded!” Skelanimal moaned.

Nova rolled his one good eye. “No. I want you out of the sight of the media right now. I don’t believe you were behind this. You are not to blame...this time. I believe this was a set-up. But, we have to get a handle on this situation. Hotwings, keep your team on high alert and be ready for anything.”


Nova pressed a button on his wrist comm, “Santa, I want good news right about now.”


EB squinted in the bright light shining in his eyes. His four paws were currently strapped down to a table in the middle of the laboratory. A laser lowered and aimed right at his head. He struggled against the restraints, but could not do anything.

“Not fair! I just wanna go! How are you keeping me here? Seriously, how? This has to be some awesome tech to hold a mythic.”

Osteen walked over, bug-eyed goggles on his face. “Thanks to our magic book friend there, I learned how to make restraints for any magical energy user, even you. Now, shut up and get ready to be divided.”

“Hey, you don’t have to do anything rash. I’m a bunny. You want more than one, gimme a little time. Of course, I’m not really a bunny, but I could, ya know, make things happen. You don’t have to split me down the middle. Though, I still doubt you can do that. I am way more powerful than even you give me credit…” a hand clamped over his mouth.

Osteen leaned in with his hand pressing on EB's face. “You know, I’m not going to miss the constant chatter from you. YEOOOOW!” EB bit his hand.

“Yuck! What did you last use that hand for?”

Osteen walked over to the last working computer terminal and checked the growing energy signature. “Come on, charge already. I got a bunny to fry.”

EB laid his head back against the table. “You know, I always wanted to be in a Bond movie. And here I am, in the clutches of a mad scientist working to help take over the world. I’m even strapped to a table with a laser pointed at me. The only thing I’m missing is a Bond babe...and that’s like the best part.” His thoughts lingered on that smashed crystal egg. Someone was looking for him. But would they find him in time?
