Thursday, November 25, 2021

Be a Fan-Fiction Reality Writer!!!


By Madam Marvelous

Hi. I hope you have enjoyed some of the stories about my exploits as a hero in the world of Heroes Rising. I've fought in a couple League Wars, been a part of some Tug of War events, Trick-or-treated around the neighborhood, and taken part of a few super-battles against Big Bads. While doing all this is part of the hero experience, I'd like to point out that there are other options out there as well for you.

If you venture to the Community Tab on the main page, you will find a link to the Fiction Forum. On this page, you can share your own stories, either as an individual or in a collaborative piece. This option might not be everyone's cup of tea, but there are some substantial benefits to taking part in the activity that I would like to make everyone aware of.

First, as an individual, each qualifying post of a paragraph or two is worth two Reality Writer Power Cards. Each of these Power Cards is worth 10MP resale. If over the course of one month you add content to an ongoing thread or story of 20 different, meaningful entries, you will earn tradeable value of 200MP. That is enough for a triple spin on Nova's Mystery shuffle.

Now, some people may say that they have not good at telling stories. I doubt that. I have a feeling that more people out there are talented storytellers with interesting characters, but they are afraid of being judged. Let me rest your mind about that. The Fiction Forum has been a very friendly, fun environment for me. Some of my stories are goofy. Some of them a bit more serious. They are there for people to read or not read, but I hope some people read and enjoy what I've put out there. What I've never gotten is any flack or heckling for my posts. Only rewards and a few occasional compliments.

If you are a free player, participating in the Fiction Forum might be a way to help build a better selection of Gear or Power Cards for use during events.

Another benefit of the Fiction Forum is that members of the Sentinel Team read all of the entries posted, and if a submission is good enough, it may be published on the main game page in the Sentinel Window as well as shared on the These City Streets blog page for Heroes Rising. If a story is relevant to the game in a meaningful way, such as a story about how your character interacts with a supervillain with snappy banter during a raid, what they do to help succeed during League Wars, or an adventure during a special holiday event, it can earn up to 460MP worth of cards if approved to be featured.

Not only does this share your creative insight into your character with other players, bringing your hero to life in the reader's eyes, but it is a substantial reward that can be used to spin or purchase greater quantities of cards during special promotions, like Boost Sales or during Tug of War events.

Finally, if you collaborate in stories written with other writers, Staff Editor-in-Charge Strange Quark and his team offer a monthly reward for best collaborative stories. The reward for this is varying quantities of the Strange Fiction Power Card worth 120MP resale. The better the story and/or the more active participants involved in creating the collaborative effort increases the quantity of rewards given TO EACH PARTICIPANT in the story.

As a league, this is a great opportunity to team up and improve all members who take the time to participate. 

Bring your character to life beyond the digital screen of your device. Tell their origin story. Let us know who their arch-nemesis might be. Describe how they defeat the villain who knows their secret identity or what to use to debilitate/weaken your hero's powers while they fight. Or tell us something new we have never seen on the page before as readers.

I can tell you that I've made quite a few purchases with the redeemable MP Power Cards I've collected from sharing my stories. The effort has made me a better hero and can do the same for you.

Keep your eye out for additional contests out there as well, both for writing and for creative art efforts. A small tip here for you all, writing stories or participating in art coloring events earns rewards WITHOUT any experience gains. Just saying.

I look forward to seeing more of you sharing your stories and letting us get to know about your heroic adventures in the Fiction Forum. If you would like to collaborate on any stories, contact me as well. I'd love to be your sidekick.

Madam Marvelous
