Saturday, November 27, 2021

Will Winter's Song or Fall's Lament herald the start of December?

With the celebration of Thanksgiving, where families come together with love and gratitude in their hearts, what is more perfect than rampant commercialism the very next day.

Heroes, BADGE brings you the Black Friday Ballad!!!

Despite common belief, being a hero isn't cheap. Very few heroes can actually turn lead into gold, squeeze clumps of coal into diamonds, or inherit vast sums of cash stored inside mansions with multi-talented butlers. Most have day jobs, families, and more expenses than the average 9-5 job can handle. The dry-cleaning bill alone is enough to bankrupt many small countries. So, to help the Joe Plumber heroes out there, this weekend is dedicated to supplying you with... a discount.

Special trainers were brought in for the heroes for part of the day on Friday, allowing them to improve their abilities by either gaining some new powers or improving the effectiveness of powers the hero already possessed. 

Also on Friday, heroes were invited to participate in an event that marked the turning of fall into winter. Bright autumn colors shifting into the pristine white which marks the end of another year. After a pair of days to qualify for entry into the competition, the heroes will fight in two teams for dominance (and a healthy boost to their powers) during 4 rounds of battle. Only the top challengers in each division will earn the honor of being favored above all others and earn highly sought after rewards for their efforts.

Early on, predictions were high for Team Winter's Song to take the tournament. Commemorative Power Cards were made available for sale to collectors for each team. Only 1,000 of each card has been made available for purchase, and the Winter's Song Power Card had sold like hotcakes. Fall's Lament showed some movement in support of that team, but even at the start of Round 2, Winter's Song has outsold Fall's Lament by nearly 300 cards.

As numbers are coming in, the fight for control is much closer than expected, and Fall's Lament is showing a 100 point lead. Will this prove to be an upset for Tug of War fans or just a lucky start?

On the first day, each division had a sizable number of active combatants in total:

Division 6: 59                    Division 5: 36

Division 4: 61                    Division 3: 44

Division 2: 38                    Division 1: 41

After each full round, the value of each challenge doubles and the number of contestants drops as the lowest scoring quarter of participants in the division are eliminated.
