Friday, November 19, 2021

Heroes, There is Work to be Done!!!

by Chaz Hamilton and IboShin gu
ID#22349 and ID#12205

This Thanksgiving season, you can find our heroes challenged with a new obstacle. Typically, they serve us in the protection field, fighting off super-villains and threats to the world. Currently, they work diligently to help those displaced or negatively impaired by recent world events, such as the attack by the Giant Robot in Las Vegas, the tantrum thrown by Arx in Hollywood, and invasion of the Augments as they assaulted Washington, D.C.

I personally can't imagine which would be a more difficult struggle. While facing an adversary in battle, there is the constant threat of personal injury or death, but that is a risk our heroes have already accepted. Rescuing suffering families, including children, puts our heroes face to face with victims. How do you apologize sufficiently to a child who lost their most beloved pet while you fought near their home? Are their words to appease a business owner who lost their livelihood as one of your leaguemates crashed through their doors?

According to numbers collected by the Easter Bunny (yes, he is in charge of accounting for this endeavor) 21,848 citizens have been saved by the efforts of all our heroes. To date, 1799 meal kits have been completed to feed those rescued. If the bulk of those rescued are going to have anything to celebrate, much more food is going to need to be collected.

Here is some advice I've gathered to aid in those efforts:

1) Food, such as Turkeys, Potatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin Pie, and Rolls, can be found during patrols and occasionally on missions. Those items can also be found while engaging in battles with others. While you fight an opponent, somehow mysterious fairies drop various items from the sky while battling. I suppose that in a world where people can shoot lasers from their eyes, nothing should surprise us anymore.

2) IboShin gu (ID: 12205) of ♦ COLONY 5¹♦ has been working tirelessly to collect as much as possible. Here is some advice from him:

 "A combination. Missions mostly using the chocolate con and other energy boosts and refills. Missions are a surety if you play them, NA gets taters, Planet X gets turkeys, Invasion gets green beans, all battles give some of each. Patrols give mostly pumpkin pie and bread rolls. Don't be afraid to gain some xp, if every league member participates each member would only have to put 20-30-40 kits together to keep down the xp gain."
3) This is a league event, so working together is to everyone's benefit. It has been announced that there is a boon being granted for each league completing a set of 20 meal kits, and that reward is called Heroism.

Now, that means that just as adjustments are made for League Wars, perhaps searching for the ideal build for gathering food should be considered. Leagues of seven players could easily add five additional members, up to the maximum of twelve, and maximize efforts to build more power.

Assign each member a zone of influence. Lower level characters can complete missions in New Amsterdam or Planet X. More energetic heroes could search in Purgatory Penitentiary or other zones. Rather than overwhelming one location and getting a bunch of one item, the scattered option will help a league complete food baskets faster.

4)Don't forget to feed yourself and your friends.

Not everyone may be aware of this option, but it is possible to "gift" full Turkey Dinners on the Gifts tab. This option may help pack on some pounds to your hero, but being this active takes energy.

If every hero participates, there are perks to being smart about how you go about it. Work hard and smart heroes, and you will end up with something to be thankful for.

And part of gratitude is paying it forward. If you have the ability to make a donation to the organization linked on the Heroes Rising UHFP tab, the Bed and Bread Club of Michigan (or any organization in your local community that helps those in need), please do so. It isn't always easy to help others, but if you have ever been in need of help yourself, you know what a difference
a helping hand can make.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!! Gobble-Gobble.
