Saturday, November 20, 2021

UHFP Fan-Fiction: Fighting Hunger isn't for Wimps!!


by Madam Marvelous
ID #26130

Despite the trouble going on in my own New Amsterdam neighborhood, I found myself working with the Star Force league as we tried to gather food items for the people displaced by recent disasters across the planet. Everyone kept talking about how the problem was bigger than just one hero or league could combat. The need for all to work together in order to even make a dent in the hardship displaced citizens were suffering was clear as could be.

"So, we are looking for donations across the region," Starmaster, founder of the Star Force said. His blue and black costume shifted in dark hues as a bright starfield glistened on the techno-mesh fabric. Over his heart, a bright blue star shone, reminding me of a badge worn by a town sheriff in one of those old western movies. His face was hidden by a blank mask with a blue strip across where his eyes would be, but even those features were hard to make out beneath the cowl of his cloak that swayed in the gentle breeze. "BADGE heroes are going door to door in every neighborhood asking for donations, so in order to make sure we don't overlap, we've been given designated territories. There is a lot of world out there, so I don't see any issues staying out of other heroes way, but we don't want people to think we are being demanding or forceful in our requests for aid."

"So in other words, we need to smile and use our 'please' and 'thank you' voices," Wyldfyre said. 

"Actually, you and Lykos are going to be going out to the nature preserve and doing some hunting. We've checked with the field agents from the Department of Natural Resources and they report that there is an overabundance of wild turkeys in the region. You and Lykos are in charge of capturing as many of them as you can and getting them to this point." Starmaster used his BADGE communicator to create a holographic map floating in the air. Several large poultry transports were parked in a lot beside a wide field of tall grasses.

"WWHHHAATT!? Why me?" Wyldfyre exclaimed with puzzlement as he glared at Lykos. "Why him?"

"The two of you have the best skillset for this task. Or would you rather go with me and Infinite Tempest as we go to help dig up potatoes? A local farmer donated his entire field for us to cultivate for the people in need," Starmaster said as he telekinetically lifted a shovel into the air and moved it closer to his teammate. "Lykos has experience with wild animals and you should be able to use your elemental abilities to create smoke to drive them where BADGE will pick them up."

"I thought I was a hero, not a Turkey Herder." Wyldfyre grabbed the shovel out of the air and threw it back at Starmaster. "You have fun picking potatoes."

"Actually, you dig up potatoes--" Starmaster began.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?" Wyldfyre turned and headed toward one of the Star Force shuttles. "Come on Lykos. Nobody says we have to do this sober."

Lykos shrugged and followed after Wyldfyre. "I'm happy about the mission. I haven't had much time to practice my turkey calls. My 'tom calling for his mate' gobble nearly won me first place at the Missouri State Fair a few years back."

 Chained Angel stifled a laugh as Lykos chased after Wyldfyre. "That isn't going to end well."

"If Wyldfyre ends up roasting a few turkeys by mistake, what's it going to hurt?" Starmaster shrugged. Even though his voice was modulated by some technology in his costume, I could still hear him chuckling at the thought. "Now, I need you, Astra, and Madam Marvelous to handle going door to door. We're looking for any canned goods that you can collect."

"Do we need to just go to people's homes?" Astra asked. "We could also check with businesses and other vendors. I could talk to The Sword of Gerraxia. She has connections with a whole bunch of food producers."

"That's right," Prysmatica chimed in, nodding in agreement. She was dressed as usual in her elegant, multi-colored finery. "The Keebler Family. They may be able to help with producing some of the baked goods we need."

"Good thinking, Astra," Starmaster said. "Whatever sources you feel might be willing to help. I trust you three to be smart about who and how you ask."

"As opposed to Wyldfyre?" Astra giggled. "He's sort of dating my adopted mom, so I understand your reluctance to have him as the 'face' of this operation."

"You didn't hear me say that," Starmaster said stoically, but it was clear he was still amused. "Catalyst is going to be working on the pumpkin pies. He's been in contact with several molecular gastronomists at the university who say they can help make a delicious pie with a long shelf-life."

I stepped forward and cleared my throat. "Why did you ask for me to join you from the Star Force Junior League?"

Starmaster, Chained Angel, and Astra exchanged glances. Finally, Astra raised her hand bashfully. "I asked them if you could join us. I thought it would be fun to work with you in a less... threatening situation."

"We've also been hearing good things about you and wanted to have the chance to work with you. Several leagues have consolidated their efforts to maximize efficiency for this project. There are a lot of mouths to feed," Starmaster said. "Plus, as this is a non-combat mission, we can add you to our roster without needing to fear for your safety."

"But I'm just a shapeshifter," I said. "I can't do anything you all can't do better or faster."

"Thoughts like that are a big part of the problem. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, that you can't do anything better or you can't do enough to make a significant difference." Chained Angel stepped to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder. "This mission isn't about you. No one person can solve this alone, so we have to work together, each doing whatever it is we can. Nothing more, nothing less. It is what we can contribute as a community that is going to make the difference."

"And all the leagues coming together and making an effort will make a difference. I just got a report from BADGE and we've created almost 2,500 meal kits for displaced citizens, but that isn't enough by a long shot." Starmaster adjusted his holographic emitter and displayed the current count. "WMD has done great so far, but leagues like the 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops, 666-Burning $ky, and Colony 51 are working very hard as well. I have faith we can bring our efforts up to match, especially with your help."

I thought for a second. What could I add to the efforts of my new companions? "Well, my mo--,"I caught myself before I said mom fully, "--my most helpful idea is to talk to some contacts I might have with local greenhouses. There might be something they could contribute."

"Great idea," Chained Angel said. "It still surprises me that WMD: Black Order has been doing so much. They are sort of known for being a bit rough around the edges with Midgardsormr and Skelanimal always causing some kind of trouble. Same with Villains Inc and a few other dark horse leagues."

"Midgardsormr has always been nice to me," I said, wanting to defend my friend.

"Even in the deepest darkness, there is still some light to be found," Starmaster said. "You don't have to be perfect to be good. Some of the hardest, toughest people out there have the biggest hearts."

I had to agree with that observation. Looking around, I noticed another member of the Star Force league practicing with swords built into his suit of armor. "You haven't said what Silver Paladin's part is in all of this. Where is he going to be helping?"

"Who do you think is going to be cutting all the pies?" Astra said with a bright smile. "He'll be working with Catalyst."

"I think we all know what we have to do," Starmaster lifted into the air with Infinite Tempest by his side. "Star Force, let's get busy. We have a lot to do if we want to be sure everyone who needs help gets it."

I raised my hand as he left, having one final question. "Starmaster. Do you have any idea what Strange Quark is doing over there?"

Everyone turned their heads to spot Strange Quark vaulting into the air repeatedly in front of the UHFP building.

Starmaster shook his head. "It's better just to wonder. If you want to ask him, feel free, but I'm sure that no matter what, his reply would be--"

In unison, we all completed Starmaster's sentence. "StRaNgE!"
