Friday, November 12, 2021

In The Room with Captain Courageous

ID#33963 and #22349

Hello Sentinel readers. Chaz Hamilton here with another In the Room interview. Quite often, the heroes I interview have proven to be visitors to our world from elsewhere. Today, I'd like to introduce everyone to a recent addition to our heroic forces. Please welcome Captain Courageous. How did you come by that inspiring name, my good sir?

The young novice hero smiles and replies - "I call myself Captain Courageous for two reasons. The first reason is to honor the memory and legacy of both my father, who was the 2nd Captain Courageous, and also of the golden age Captain Courageous who was around in the 40s and the 50s. Both men fought for truth, justice and the American way. And the 2nd reason is it's a awesome name."

Chaz: "I can't disagree with that. Captain Courageous does paint a pretty good picture of what you stand for. Why is being a hero important to you?"

Captain Courageous - "Being a superhero is the right thing to do. To be able to help people and fight evil is very honorable!"

Chaz: "Now, if I've got this right, you had powers before coming to this world. You didn't get them from the Morphons Legion released here some time ago?"

Captain Courageous - "Not only am I from another world, which was highly advanced before it was blown up by a evil race of black magic mutants, but I'm also from a alternate Earth in a alternate reality. Back on my Earth, I was flying on patrol when a strange glowing comet ambushed me and I woke up in a dark alley here on this version of the planet. My uniform was changed vastly! Take a look at this."

Chaz: "Who knew interdimensional travel came with editing by the fashion police. You're original costume is definitely old school. Is wearing the underwear outside of your costume uncomfortable or liberating?"

Captain Courageous - "Yes. I miss my old costume. It was very liberating"

Chaz: "Well, nothing stays out of fashion forever. Perhaps the spandex bodysuit will come back in style with your influence."

Captain Courageous - "I hope so, but I won't let it a new uniform keep me from doing the job I was meant to do."

Chaz: "What do you think of BADGE? Do you prefer to work with them or on your own?

Captain Courageous - "It's a extreme honor to work with BADGE."

Chaz: "Director Nova can be quite a ball-buster, sometimes, but he gets results. How about your interaction with some of the other heroes? Are you a member of any groups or leagues?"

Captain Courageous - "Back on my earth, I'm the leader of Infinity Force. Here, I'm a member of the Scottish Claymores: The Scorpions. They seem to be most honorable and good people."

Chaz: "That's great. The Claymores are establishing themselves as a growing organization. How about in the other direction? Do you have an arch-nemesis yet? Someone you have fought in patrols, missions, or events? Maybe someone completely new? They say the quality of a hero is best shown by their best enemy."

Captain Courageous - "I don't have a particular nemesis yet."

Chaz: "I'm sure you will find one eventually. There are quite a few ne'er-do-well's out there on patrols these days. What is your greatest fear? It seems like heroes often have enemies who target a specific weakness."

Captain Courageous - "My greatest fear is probably losing my powers one day and not being able to fight evil and help save people anymore."

Chaz: "It sounds like you are a hero to the core, then. You'll be out there doing good deeds until your last breath. That's dedication. Have you encountered any unexpected challenges since arriving here?"

Captain Courageous - "I have these gifts for a reason.  My biggest challenge is getting new powers or abilities that I'm not used to."

Chaz: "Speaking of your powers, what is your favorite ability that you possess?"

Captain Courageous - "My favorite superpower? It's a tie between super strength and super speed."

Chaz: "I can only imagine what having either of those abilities would be like. Have you had much opportunity to use your gifts on this world? Where do you prefer to look for trouble as a hero?"

Captain Courageous - "I like to patrol in New Amsterdam. Its beautiful there."

Chaz: "Yes it is, but I suppose it won't take you long to see more of our world as you fight with BADGE. They've had major events all over the world. Hollywood. Bursa, Turkey. North Onnotangu. Las Vegas. Even in outer space on the Orbital Space Stations. Is there anything else you've discovered you like about our world?"

Captain Courageous - "I love New Amsterdam chili. Its delicious."

Chaz: "You're not wrong about that. Unfortunately, it's hard to parlay a love for good local foods into a reason to stay away from home for an extended period of time. If you can find a way back to your home dimension, how long would you remain here?"

Captain Courageous - "I'm only here in this universe until the legion is fully defeated, then I'm going back to my earth."

Chaz: "As pleased as I would be for you to find your way home, defeating Legion is still a long-off goal for our heroes to meet. Every citizen of this world prays that our heroes will not give up on succeeding at that task."

Captain Courageous - "I never surrender. I'll fight for truth, justice and the American way!"

Chaz: "We're grateful for your efforts, Captain Courageous, and welcome you to our world. I hope you survive the experience. And thank you Sentinel readers for taking some time to get to know another of the fantastic heroes who serve and protect you. See you next time for another In the Room interview. Happy Thanksgiving. Please pay attention to Director Nova and upcoming instructions for the UHFP activities. I have a feeling that its will end up being another very busy event for everyone."
