Thursday, February 17, 2022

Coloring Event: FREE MPs

It has been a long while since we did one of these, so it's time. Just like always, I provide some of the base sketches for my art that is in the game and you add the color. 

You have the freedom to paint, color, digital paint...whatever...them however you like. There is no bad art when done in the spirit of creative fun. I am not judging these for a contest, don't worry if you feel your art isn't as good as someone else's. If you actually color something, you are ahead of everyone else who did not. 


  • Select a picture from the posted images below. Color it however you wish. You can print it off and add color physically. You can use digital programs like Adobe, Procreate, Painter, and/or Microsoft Paint to add color. 
  • PG-13 or better, keep it family friendly.
  • Post the finished pics under the main thread on the Heroes Rising Players page.
  • Post your PLAYER ID# with every picture you submit. Do not assume we know your number.
  • You will earn a 'good job' power card worth 10mp for each of the first 6 images you submit. Any past 6 will not count.
  • Please turn them in on or before March 31st. 
