Thursday, February 24, 2022

New in Armory: Ronin Sandals

Ronin Sandals equipment is now available to purchase in the store!

The Legion killed my master. I am now Rōnin. All I have to guide me is my hatred.

Now, I wander the lands, waiting for signs for the return of those who were driven off. I am certain that one day, they will invade again. They must. The anger in my heart will not leave until I see them laying defeated on the field of our last battle.

My master's vestments are all that I carry with me. His sword. His armor. His shoes. As long as I have them, it is easier to follow in his footsteps.

That does not mean I go unchallenged by the residents of this world. On occasion, I am met by some who find my wearing his simple footwear foolish. They point at my feet and ask why I would wear such simple and garish bits of wood. They proudly display their own feet and brandish their elegant gear, with bright colors, laces galore, and logos that are meaningless to me.

People such as these don't understand tradition. History and respect are foreign concepts to them.

I could easily strike them down, but my need isn't to punish them as I need to punish the Legion. Instead, I will instruct them.

With one well-placed kick to their temple, they fall to the ground with two long, large welts forming where my simple sandal connects with pressure points of their skull. A painful message is passed along to their brain, sending them into unconsciousness.

Perhaps wisdom will come to them as they sleep. Even if it does not, it matters not to me. I will have moved on, continuing my quest to honor the teachings of my dearly missed master and find revenge upon his killers.