Sunday, February 13, 2022

Olympiads... Are they worth it?

by Lykos
ID: 18321

TANSTAAFL: There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - and just as in the real Olympics there are going to be winners and losers. When looking through who is winning, you might see a lot of the same names each time near the top of the heap. That can be frustrating and disheartening.

But let's look at the Heroes Olympiads from a different perspective. Just as in the real Olympics, the chance of actually winning the "Big Three" is pretty slim. Only the best of the best get to stand on the podium. So if your Hero isn't the absolute best it can be, sure, you aren't going to end up in the top ranks.

Unlike the Real Olympics though, there are consolation prizes for attempting to participate in many of the events. The first two events gave free MPs to anyone that landed in the top 50 spots. The higher you landed, the more MPs you got.
While the Elemental battle is not in that same vein, there is a good possibility the other two days will be. We shall have to wait and see.
And finally, there is the Participation Award. If you at least try; you at least show up and do something each day to participate, there will be an award given at the end of the Olympiad to congratulate you on giving it the ole college try.

The Olympiad isn't for everyone. Not every event is going to be your cup of tea. The Trick or Treat event takes effort to go and click on the houses, waiting in line, etc. The Secret Santa requires people to put their gear, powers, bux, and MPs into the pool to get something back.
The point here? You have to give to the game to get from the game. If you want the MPs and cool cards, you have to try and participate. If you want to win the Gold, Silver, or Bronze, you have to work hard, and yes, probably spend real world currency to get there. Earn the thousands of free MPs that are offered every month on Forums and Contests.
Get involved.