Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Elemental Ring

 Krystal was walking through New Amsterdam Municipal Park.  

It was a blustery afternoon, and Krystal had a lot on her mind.  She was soon to give birth to her baby, and she needed to decide if she should return to Fae-re, or remain in the H-R dimension.

As she approached the lake, one of those carnivorous trees grabbed a large deer.  Because she had been away from H-R, she was still regaining her saturation of morphons. A great deal of her magic was currently sustaining her baby, so she was at a disadvantage.

Krystal remembered a ring that she had, but rarely needed to use.  She quickly summoned it and slipped it on.  Pointing it at the tree, she engaged it's ability to enhance elemental energies.  

The trunk of the tree began to smoulder on one side, away from the animal.  With a nearly soundless sort of scream, the tree released the animal.

As the deer fled, Krystal directed a stream of snow at the smouldering spot on the tree's trunk.  She had no intention of permanently damaging the tree.

The cooling snow rendered the spot safe, and Krystal had her decision.  She still had work to do in H-R.
