Sunday, February 20, 2022

New in Armory: All-seeing Patch

All-seeing Patch equipment is now available to purchase in the store!

"Stop it!" Bob said. Why does everyone have to be so mean? My list of people I need revenge upon just keeps getting longer.

"Look at this guy. He thinks he's Director Nova," Vixen said from her seat in the group therapy session, her voice as nasal and irritating as ever. She pointed at the new eyepatch over Bob's right eye and started to imitate Nova's voice. "We have a global emergency. There is an unsightly crime against fashion at Purgatory Penitentiary.

"Arrrg! Batten down the hatches. I think old Bob here is gonna cry," Steelfist said.

Bob stared down his two trolls. They didn't understand what he had gone through to get this special piece of supernatural gear. Stolen from the dresser of the Pirate King himself, this eyepatch had sight beyond sight. He was going to use it to escape. He had a lunch date to attend with the upstart hero who put him into BADGE's hands. Plus, he needed it to help avoid all the attempts by other inmates to give him wedgies when the guards weren't looking.

Casa Nova put his hand across his own eye, imitating having an eyepatch of his own. "Oh, this is so much better. Now I can only see half of the idiots in the room. Great idea, Bob!"

Seething, for an instant, a despicable thought flashed through Bob's mind. These guys are jerks. Maybe I should have been a hero instead.

"One day I will escape and have my revenge on you all..." Bob thought to himself, not realizing he was speaking aloud as he did.

One by one the villains rose from their chairs, their faces set like stone.

Bob gulped and took a step back. Thanks to his new All-seeing Patch, he knew what was coming next. "Umm. Guards. Can I go back into solitary confinement, please?"
