Monday, December 16, 2019

Editorial: Please Please Please

By Attilio Piccolin

The other day I was roaming the halls of Heroes Rising, chatting about add-ons to the game. It came to me that a blog in the newspaper would be great entertainment for the game. I love to think of ways to perfect the game to its zenith. You know I bet some of you do too.

We all want something to work better sooner. While improvements are something we all want, logic dictates the time between us and a solution. The pros at HR do their best to provide us with timely updates but we still want more; insanely enough this is human.

Onward, I will attempt to fabricate an editorial called, "Please Please Please", which sets out to highlight new and inspiring thoughts for the week (if I miss one just point it out to me).

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
