Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leagues Exclusive: COLONY 51

By Todd Goode

In a dying universe far away known as SHC, the Dark Legion was diminishing as sunset was at hand. However, before the end, there was created two new twin creatures, twin humanoid penguins with power to give life and take it, known as the ‘Twinguins’,  ZenGuin and ChiliGuin, Zen and Chili for short. Accompanied by their friend Evo, they had grown and trained together and their powers grew and gave them the abilities needed to escape their dying realm. A portal to this new universe was opened by Evo and the three stepped through with one goal in mind, to rebuild.

Evo and the Twinguins allowed themselves to be captured by Area 51 to acquire knowledge of this new universe, this new planet and made an unusual ally. Her name was Zombie Ex-Girlfriend, a wild woman with an unstable z-infection that was treated with nano-tech by the Area 51 scientists. The nano-tech gave her super human strength and restored most of her sanity but unfortunately the nano-tech could not heal her decayed wounds completely.

Zombie Ex knew the secrets of Area 51 and the four decided to use their power to take over the secret base. She would help them find others with latent powers and Evo helped the Twinguins infuse those who wanted it with their humanoid penguin genes, giving them extra strengths with only the small side effects of becoming part penguin and a craving for fresh fish.

As the number of humanoid penguins created by the Twinguins began to grow in number, it was decided a league should be formed to become a cohesive unit. Fear 51 was to be the league name but the trusted Pengs who were to lead Fear 51, Kad and Willie the Peng ate some bad fish and went rogue with the inane belief they were stronger than Zen, Chili, Zombie Ex and Evo and created a league of their own. Fear 51 would never be.

Zen and Chili had many technological and magical skills but showed an affinity for bladed and edged weapons and could end fights in a quick and frightening manner but choose to remain primarily a soldier and consultant to the leadership cabal. Zen also directed a secret flight program, the Penguin Extra Nautical Incursion Study. Those results remain classified.

Evo, a tactician with the ability to teleport anything over long distances including universes took lead and together with the Twinguins and Zombie Ex they searched Area 51 for imprisoned beings from other alien worlds and found two.

According to the info sheet on the cell door of bay 1 in heavy duty lockdown was a supernatural demon with cosmic powers and foresight to see and know all before it happens. He was named Anomaly by the scientist of Area 51. Bay 2 also held a cosmic being, a protector from the center of a far away galaxy for his ability to control matter and the unknown dark matter. This being called himself Nightshadow.

Evo offered the two cosmic beings friendship and a home. The two accepted gladly and even chose to accept the extra powers offered by the humanoid penguin gene. The two of them were sent out to recruit those with abilities and given the humanoid penguin gene if they so choose. They found many.

The leaders took charge of a new battalion of Guins and a new name was given this battalion, they became The Colony 51. Colony 51 advances themselves by becoming one with the elemental, magical, physical, mental, supernatural and technological advancements hidden by Area 51 and other cosmic entities, eventually creating a secret branch of dark government which some would call BADGE.

The Colony 51 name means family and the goals are to grow our numbers and powers by any means necessary to battle against Earth's new threat known as The Legion and their evil leagues. While seeming to be somewhat benevolent, we have been known to pillage, plunder and penguinize. We face everything and rise to preserve the future from the onslaught of The Legion.

The Legion has bombarded this planet with morphons to help them to take over the planet and find worthy fighters to fight or destroy the planet. However, The Legion invaders never expected the morphons to affect humans or humanoid penguins the way it did. The morphons have given those with latent abilities superpowers that manifest and cause metamorphosis in different ways.  The Colony 51 league has became even stronger than the Twinguins ever thought possible and have sworn to defend their new planet and repay the evils of the Legion in kind. Together, joining with other leagues defending Earth, this planet shall not perish and be destroyed.
