Sunday, December 1, 2019

Hero Highlights- Gargoyle "Gar"

Today we are privileged to speak with a truly unique hero... not only does his origin predate the Morphon influx caused by the invasion, but he has become Director Nova’s ‘right hand’... errr... ‘man’.
K: Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
G: I am Gargoyle, that is what my father called me. Dr. Shepard called me Gar. I have no other name.
K: Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
G: After Kravik killed my second father, Director Nova became my friend and has helped me to find a new purpose. I work with him to protect this planet from the Legion and other threats.
K: Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
G: I have not joined a league, I prefer to work directly for Director Nova.
K: Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
G: I don’t have what you humans call powers. I am living stone. I am strong, can fly, do not need to eat or drink, need little sleep, and very little can harm me.
K: Do you have a sidekick?
G: No. I work as a sidekick most days for Director Nova, but mostly I work alone.
K: Could you tell us a little about your origin?
G: I was originally created as a stone statue a long time ago, and then my first father gave me his life so that I may live. The morphon particles awoke me to life when the Legion came to Earth.
K: What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
G: I don’t often use gear. I don’t even like wearing clothes, they make no sense to me still. Director Nova gave me a special item from BADGE storage called the Elder Tome. Since I am made “from magic”, he thought I could make use of it. I still am trying to understand it, but it does make me feel stronger in battle.
K: Do you have any advice for new Heroes?
G: Be kind. I have seen the deepest ways evil works and I do not like when two heroes argue and fight over stupid little things. We have the same enemy, why fight dumb battles over opinions?
K: Is there anything else you'd care to add?
G: I want to apologize to the Leagues who participated in League Wars. I was invited to the after-party and the organizer said it was casual wear. I did not know what that meant, so I asked. He said I should dress comfortably. All clothing is uncomfortable, so I went without. Some objected. I don’t understand why. But, they made me wear something. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.

Thank you for your time and candor... Your altruistic goal of helping protect a world not your own is truly inspirational!