Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thank You from your Intrepid Reporter, Chaz Hamilton

by Chaz Hamilton

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you.

Like most players, when I first joined the game I was looking for ways to gain Morphons. I participated in an non-game event where Dan Payton asked for players to color some Easter Eggs. The best submissions had the chance to be used as images for consumables. I really liked the concept of showcasing the player's non-game efforts. It added an additional depth to the game community.

 After doing the coloring event, I explored and found the Fiction Forum. I have to admit that while battling with my character in Arenas, Events, and Fight Clubs, I was sorely outmatched by players who had been here longer with far more experience and hours logged that I had. I got my head handed to me multiple times during Missions by My Super Ex-Girlfriend. I tried my hand at the Fiction Forum, hoping to take advantage of the rewards for posting stories. This is how I met Chris Evans and his character Krystal Fae. 

We both enjoyed the role-playing opportunity the Fiction Forum and writing provided for our characters. Through him, I met other players who enjoyed collaborative efforts to tell stories. Other players who wanted to build more than the statistics in the game by collecting Power Cards and Gear, but to immerse into the game world with characters we enjoyed playing. 

League Wars III came around and thanks to $uper Mac, I was able to get enough in my league to participate. $uper Mac's team, the 666 Hor$emen, weren't participating during that league war, so he offered to join The Star Force. We only earned a participants badge that go around, but I wrote some Fan-Fiction stories about my league participating in the battle. That's how I met Trace Evans and started to get to know more and more of the players.

New players come into this game sort of blind, not knowing the backstory and bigger-than-life personalities in the game. It isn't until you put yourself out there a bit will you get to understand what "Hail Hydra" means when members of the Avengers say it to one another on the Player's Page or who they are talking about when anyone mentions the "Devs" or "sks".

The fan-fiction I wrote for League Wars III received some nice reviews and got featured on the main page. Nick Shapiro sent me a message and complimented me on the articles. I got a chance to get to know Dan Peyton through his bi-weekly Facebook live sessions, where he frequently talks about Heroes Rising events. I took the opportunity to share some of those insights in further articles for the blog, hoping to share what I had learned with other players.

This is where I learned of the opportunity to have the potential of having my character, Starmaster, appear in the lore with a cameo appearance. Players that interact, participate, and share to grow the community are more likely to be picked to fly into a scene during one of the Lore stories. I liked that idea. And I liked writing about my character. Putting two and two together, I decided to do more.

There are some outstanding players out there who have well-thought out characters in the game. During the Raid against the Jinn, I first created Chaz Hamilton as a reporter to be on scene and give life to the fights rather than simply hitting a button and expending energy. I did some raid reports and his first In The Room interview with Crossroads, played by Ralph Bowman. This lead to other people wanting interviews and a chance to gain some rewards while featuring their characters, such as Zen, Midgardsormr, Captain Marvel, and Slayer B.A.S.

After that, there were reports I did for League Wars and some fan-fiction stories I told to go along with the massive rounds of battles. Then another raid, more events, and further interview with more and more players. I'm very fortunate to have met and explored characters with so many of you, and I know there are many more of you out there who I can't wait to help feature on the pages of the Sentinel.

During the story arc with Lady Phoenix and Krampus at the end of the year, I was very honored when Dan Peyton took my character, Chaz Hamilton, and wove him into the official lore of the game world as BADGE's official reporter. It is nice to think that my efforts have added to the world of Heroes Rising in some small way.

And that is what I hope, to some degree, each of you realizes. You and your characters each create the landscape of this game. Heroes Rising has room for growth, where your actions and ideas can become a part of it all.

Who doesn't look forward to seeing the newest reports by the S.A.S. Sports Desk team or Todd Goode's Round Reports during League Wars? I think they do a fun and fantastic job with their efforts. 

Chris Evan's with Krystal Fae's (Acidburn's) 'Hero Highlights' bring a spotlight on so many people and their creations. His giving me my first interview is part of the reason I have grown in this game.

People like Matthew Johnson, Gatekeeper Arosha, who has frequently posted stories and suggestions to help promote the game. Mayor CJ, Christopher Justice, who has provided a gym for new players to help build their characters, offering advice and support to their efforts. Alan Gunhouse and Timebender have created a league, Time's Arrow, for the purpose of trying to help bring newbies successfully into the game. The developers and behind the scenes staff who have created special Power Cards to help out players in need or recognize players going through personal hardships, bringing something bright and respectful into the game world and real life.

I can't recognize everyone whom I've met in the game so far, because that would take forever, so please forgive me if I didn't mention you here. There are very few people in the game that don't deserve to be recognized as having had a positive impact on my experiences here in Heroes Rising, or in the game in general. I hope the community keeps growing with new people, events, and challenges that keep Heroes Rising exceptional.

Yes, this is a game, but it is more than that for many people. More than I could even fully know, or any of us could. For some it is an outlet. Some a means of expression. A challenge. An escape into a world of superpowered heroes and villains. A meeting place or virtual clubhouse to chill with friends. 

But my point behind this article is simple. I wanted to say thank you for the recognition given to me for my efforts in trying to add some fun and encouragement to the Heroes Rising environment. Having a card made featuring Chaz's name is something I greatly appreciate. But more than that, I hope that everyone sees this as attainable. 

If you put yourself out there and try to do good for the community here, it will come back to you. Through gained friendships and common interests. Through recognition for efforts to build a better relationship with the people who share a love of superheroes. 

Be the light in the game. Be the reason people log back in and want to be here. Make someone smile because of your efforts or compliment them on theirs because they brought something good into your day. 

If you are a new player or a member of a small league trying to grow in this growing world who would like a hand up, contact me and let's do an interview. I will expect you to be creative and be able to put yourself in your character's shoes, but together we can start getting your character better known and growing in the world. 

Or try your hand at writing your own experiences and ideas out for articles in the Sentinel. Put yourself out there and reap some rewards. 

You never know when your efforts may pay off with a card featuring your character's name. How many games can you find that kind of acknowledgement in?
