Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hero Highlights- Madam Marvelous

Today's Subject has become quite active of late. One of BADGE's most recent recruits, this young heroine shows true promise, I'm quite certain that everyone will soon know of her exploits if they don't already.

Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?

MM~ I don't have my parent's permission to give out my given name yet. They want me to be cautious, you know, with the Avatars being kidnapped and everything else going on. Safety first, right.

You can call me Madam Marvelous, or whatever you like, to be honest. I mean, gosh, I never thought I'd get to be interviewed by THE Krystal Fae! Wow.

This is like the coolest thing ever... well after meeting Director Nova.
Oops. I'm so sorry. I love you, but he's Nova.

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?

MM~ BADGE recruited me and until I am of age, I'm supposed to only go on their sanctioned missions. But if I happen to be going out for a walk or something and happen to see something bad going on, well, I have to do something, don't I?<wink>

Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?

MM~ I am exploring my options right now. If they will have me, I think I'm going to apply to Time's Arrow.

They are a good training league I hear. It never hurts to train. Unless you are doing combat training. A sock in the gut is going to hurt no matter what, right?

Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon-based?

MM~ I am a second-generation exposee. My parents were exposed to Morphons but never developed abilities, but had some genetic alterations nonetheless.

I was exposed to Morphons and, well, boom. As for what I can do, I'm fairly strong, but could get stronger, rather clever, and can change into a variety of forms.

I'm actually going to start testing with BADGE soon to make more determinations about what all I can actually do. I'm sorry. I didn't answer that question very well. Can I try again?

Do you have a sidekick?

MM~ No, but if you're looking for one, Ms. Fae, I'll take the job.

Could you tell us a little about your origin?

MM~ My parents made me sign an N.D.A. about that one. I'm not happy about it, but what can a girl do? It's a great story that deserves to be told. Ask me again when I'm legally free to respond.

What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?

MM~ I've picked up a few things here and there that are supposed to help me 'hero' better, but none of them are that cool. I guess I'd have to say my Thunderclap Pantaloons. I <ahem> got them after they fell of the back of a truck somewhere.

OK, yeah, I know. Don't look at me like that. I got them in a Black Market I found while walking around New Amsterdam.

Heroing is expensive and my allowance isn't that big. Can you blame me? Please, don't turn me in. PLEASE!!!!

Do you Have any advice for other new Heroes?

MM~ Ummm. Newer than me? Ummm... memorize the BADGE emergency hotline number.

Is there anything else you'd care to add?

MM~ Wow. Well, have you made a decision about that sidekick thing yet? I think we could be better than Batman and Robin. Xena and Gabrielle. Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine. And I'm a great babysitter, too, when you need one.

WE could even use that as my cover. "Hi, Mom, I need to go babysit for Ms. Fae again."

We'll see... I might need some help at some point, I suppose... In any case, thankyou for your time today.

I'm certain this won't be the last we'll hear from you.

Until next time, my friends...