Sunday, July 18, 2021

In The Room with Lykos

Good day, Sentinel Readers. Chaz Hamilton here. Today, I am speaking with a hero that has been very active in the world of late. If you look up in the sky and see a streak of purple, it is most likely this fellow here, out doing his heroic duty on patrol or his day job as an online shopper.

Chaz: "Welcome, Lykos. How are you doing today?"

Lykos: “I’m very excited to be here with you Chaz. I look forward to seeing you on the scenes of big events and getting my fifteen-minutes-of-fame appearances in. So far, I’ve been on screen for 1 minutes and eleven seconds. I’ve recently broken 300 Facebook followers! Whoo-hoo. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in it for just the attention. I’m trying to do the right thing too, of course, but if I’m going to strike fear and awe into the hearts of villains at the mere mention of my name, I need to build up my street cred.”

Chaz: “I suppose branding is very important in today’s world. Big names like the Avengers, Colony 51, and WMD Black Order don’t succeed in a vacuum.”

Lykos: “Tell me about it. I was using one of those industrial strength vacuums once and it nearly tore my costume off when my cape got caught in the hose. Vacuum’s really suck, and not in the good way.”

Chaz: “What were you using the vacuum fo… Let’s not go there. Lykos, how did you get your super-hero name?”

Lykos: “Lykos is Greek for Wolf. I used to play a game in my ‘Other Life’ and it had a reference to The Lykos Project. I have used it ever since and it just carried over to my Hero Days.”

Chaz: “Interesting. Which of your powers is your favorite? Which one is the most difficult for you to master?

Lykos: “I love having the Super Strength. It has been really helpful in dealing with the Super Bad Guys so I have loved it. Flying is definitely the hardest for me. I have never been good with roller coasters and this isn't much better. Did you ever watch that old show "Greatest American Hero"? That is pretty much me trying to fly.”

Chaz: “I’ve heard about it. It was a few generations before my time, but I hear they are considering a reboot.”

Lykos: “That would be way cool. I could star in it. Now that Arx is out of work, they could save bank by using me as my own stunt double.”

Chaz: “Of the heroes I’ve met so far, you are one of the few that uses your gifts for average Joe employment. You've been seen using your powers while working for various delivery businesses. Are you having trouble finding work that makes better use of your abilities?”

Lykos: “I have been, yeah. I have never been a "Work with your hands" kind of guy. So, I am trying to find work that fits my personality - which is working with the public. Being a Cape doesn't pay though, ya know? Delivery works well for letting me use my powers AND working with the public. And delivery is pretty popular with the whole COVID thing.”

Chaz: “I don’t doubt that. Other than the Greatest American Hero guy, do you have a mentor? A superhero you admire from all the big names in the Heroes Rising dimension?”

Lykos: “I have Silver Paladin and Starmaster that I have been listening to, co-members of the Star Force with me. I am terrified of Highlander, but I have a bit of a "Hero Worship" going on. One of the very first people to help me out though was Gatekeeper Arosha (#20314). He helped me make a ton of friends here in New Amsterdam.”

Chaz: “ As a down to earth hero, let’s get to know a few personal details about you. Do you have a favorite food truck operation? What is your favorite dish they serve?”

Lykos: “Oh DUDE, I totally do! It is called the Rolling Gourmet! Their colors are Purple too, which is MY favorite color and their food is amazing. They make great burgers but they also have the most amazing Tacos.”

Chaz: “OK readers, if you want a chance to meet Lykos in person, be sure to venture to the Rolling Gourmet. You might catch him there getting himself a double with extra bacon.”

Lykos: “Triple bacon. You can put bacon in anything and make it better.”

Chaz: “I don’t think many will disagree with you on that, sir. How about a support system, for when you have a bad day heroing? Do you have any family with powers like yours?”

Lykos: “No, mine are pretty unique to just me; no family got hit with particles, I guess. I wonder what would have happened if my brother had gotten some though. I am curious what his powers would have been.”

Chaz: “There have been several studies into that very topic. I hear that parents have options now for tests to determine what Morphon Powers their children might develop. It isn’t a guarantee, but how else are new parents supposed to baby-proof their home without certain insights?”

Lykos: “Yeah. If I had my powers as a kid, my rear end would still be glowing red from daddy’s whoopins’.”

Chaz: “On a more serious note, what is your goal in life?”

Lykos: “Dude, I am still working that out. I was kinda meandering in life as it was BEFORE the Morphons. I had always dreamed of having superpowers, read comics like crazy as a kid, but I never thought I would get them. I just don't know where I fit in now. But is that any different than before?”

Chaz: “That’s deeper than I want to go for right now. That’s some Oprah level talk there. Rapid-fire question: Below the spandex, is it boxers or briefs?”

Lykos: “Briefs chafe dude. I had to go with Boxers.”

Chaz; “What is your biggest regret as a superhero?”

Lykos: “I wish I had not grown so fast in power without learning to use them better. I seem to be strong, but not strong enough for where I should be. I need to slow down and stop and smell the roses, you know? I need to take time to understand my powers.”

Chaz: “I am aware you got your powers while drinking some Dr. Pepper? Do you still drink the stuff?”

Lykos: “I LOVE Dr. Pepper. I am not going to let a little thing like Morphons stop that. I'm a Pepper til the day I die.”

Chaz: “You’ve also been seen with a gorgeous dog by the name of Fluffy at your side. Where did you get Fluffy? Is he a rescue puppy?”

Lykos: “Fluffy is from a long line of pups I have had over the years. I have had Fluffy's parents and grandparents going back to when I was a kid; as long as I can remember.”

Chaz: “Now that is dedication and loyalty. Two perfect words I’ve found to sum you up, Lykos. Thanks for meeting with me today. It’s been an honor.”

Lykos: “Geez, man. Thanks. You’re gonna make me blush. I’m grateful to you for talking to me. Tell you what, next time you need some groceries, give me a call. It will be on the house. And don’t worry, I’m a discrete shopper. I won’t tell anyone if you order Preparation H or anything weird like you did a couple weeks ago. I am the soul of discretion for my loyal customers.”

Chaz: “ssshhhhhh… <Chaz clears his throat> This has been Chaz Hamilton, bringing you Sentinel readers another installment of In the Room. We will see you next week with another interview that you won’t want to miss. Big things, people, big things are coming.”