Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Game Personalization: Character Make your hero a real Fire Warrior!

aka, Overview of the Customizing Abilities Page

BY: Aflima (Peter Banks)

While your overall power numbers are independent of the TYPE of abilities you obtain or purchase, you can still have your character appear to use a particular set of abilities as you see fit when they're displayed on the battle screen.

You want a guy who uses only Ice-based attacks? Sure.

You want your heroine to use only spells? No problem.

You've built a tank and love that Colossal Rage animation? Easy as pie.

And vice versa. Is there an animation that doesn't suit your character design? You can remove it from appearing during combat without losing any of its additional value to your abilities.

Here is how to do it.

Under the Powers - Train screen, there's a button labelled "Customize Powers".

On clicking it you'll see a page displaying all the attack abilities (Red or Attack Power Cards) that your character has obtained.

For each ability, check or uncheck the 'Use Animation' checkbox. Unchecked abilities won't display when battling (although their attributes still count in your battle stats, as applicable), while those that are checked will display. There's also a set of radio buttons for each ability - you can assign up to three 'preferred' abilities that will have a greater weighting and display at a higher rate than the others.

Be sure to hit the "Save Changes" button at the top or bottom of the screen before departing the customization screen, or else your changes will not be effective. Once this is done, your top choices should appear at the top of the list of Attack Powers.

For me, as a fire-based hero, I've chosen the abilities Flame Tornado, Dragon Breath and Hell Touched as my top three in that order and also include The Floor Is Lava, Fire Blooded, Fiery and a couple of other ability cards.

Of course, you're not restricted apart from the cards available to you, but if you want to be that Water-Elemental or Animal-Summoning hero or villain, this is as easy-a-way to accomplish it for display on the battle screen as anything else in this game.