Saturday, October 31, 2020

Post-Door Testimonials: Steet-Talk on Trick-or-Treating for Heroes

By Chaz Hamilton
ID 22349, 18056, 21401 (and more)

We at the Sentinel have been walking the streets, talking to people, and collecting some stories of successful outings for our heroes this Halloween, or should I say Hero-ween. Lights have been going on and off all night indicating who has candy and who just wants the day to be over. (Too bad there hasn't been an option to TP these houses. That would have been fun for some of the hooligans to get revenge for having lights go off just as they got to the door.) Some houses have had lines down the street corner as our intrepid little Trick-or Treaters have been busy collecting their goodies.

The longest lines, of course, have been noted at Director Nova's own house, despite the rows of armed robots at attention all along the steps leading to his front door.

Strangely enough, Chase has been caught handing out gifts at her front door as well, but she insists that nobody mentions that they saw her there. I guess even kidnap victims get Hero-ween off from their captors. And somebody, please let Director Nova know that Strange Quark isn't missing. He is at home, having left the BADGE Medical Bay ABMA (Against BADGE Medical Authorization)

Here are some of the comments made by participating heroes:

"This is really a diabolical way to promote Halloween and still beat the Halloween Spirit. Trick or treating is supposedly for children, but here in the other dimension it is actually for adults. The treats have been mega hits. You never know what you will get. The variety is enormous to say the least. The mini bosses do give out some neat stuff. The players are actually giving away really better treats. I have gained power card, morphon particles, mega bux and minor bux, even some gear. There at my last count were over 80 players plus the bosses. I made 1 complete round through all as some were just coming on. The generosity, sharing, caring attitudes is stupendous and so more like Christmas. So down with Halloween, the tricky and deceitful spirit and everyone wish all good luck and enjoy the gift giving. Gee Development team, what's next Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot? Christmas is also coming up. will the Grinch show up or the real Holiday Nightmare Krampus pop up to try to ruin Christmas. Well Xcentric here shooting off at the mouth again as usual. Got to run for now. CHOW" ID#18056

"With hallows eve closing, many heroes are on the streets for both candy and defence! there is still fear over an eruption of violence by citizens not yet given a vaccine.
one person who is loving the holiday is Fleagle, for the one time he can show his face in public and not be sneered at has come!
with many trick or treators on the streets it is difficult to find an aggressor. fleagle sniffs one out, he charges through the door to be met by Skelanimal!!! ready to pounce and fight tho certain death will insue, skele pays the 180 mp fine for his infractions and is allowed to go free." - Fleagle

"Cadaverdog teleported into the house and could find no trace of Nova or anything else for that matter-just an empty shell except for the camera perched upon a nearby tree watching the lines build in front of the humble abode followed by ones being magically repelled away only to restart the painful process once again. And to what avail, only to achieve the same results for hours upon hours of nothingness. Was this a test of patience, a cruel joke, a distraction, or what? Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location on the other side of the 1's and 0's watches the perpetrator laughing hysterically. Who could it be and for what purpose?" --\/ Osote \/ ID: 21401

"Took an early morning (started somewhere between 3 and 3:30 AM) 4-wheeler ride for like an hour an half and when I came back I am still in line at the pumpkin head dude." -Derek Hazelwood

"I'm a true to life A hole 99% of the time. But ill give the devil his due. This event is pretty fun. It's well thought out and it seems to operate without a hitch. Good job developers." --Christopher Justice

"Thanks Burgess Meridith for the 100 MPs!"- Steven Crowsley

"Zen- 500mp" -- Rakly Dominguez

"I am now, officially, a Zen-ophile!!! Thank you, you beautiful Penguin."--Arcane Ace

Our camera's caught Zen Spheniscidae at the door, disguised as Burgess Meredeath, handing out this prize. I think Zen might be trying to get a shot at the Jack's Icy Glare head piece. He likely likes the Icy Glare part, thinking he can use it to make ice for the restaurant and bar. I hope you get it bud!

That's what people have been saying. If you would like to comment on your experience, please let me know at Chaz Hamilton. There is an open comment post on the Heroes Rising Players page looking for comments.

There are just over 26 hours left to Trick-or-Treat heroes (Yes, Daylight Savings Time really kicked in this year. We gained a whole day, LOL)