Wednesday, October 21, 2020

PoV Editorial by Arcane Ace: Darn it, I started too late to join League Wars

By Arcane Ace, Magic’s Wildcard

It simply isn’t the same.

I’m in New Amsterdam, sitting at a table at one of the league wars viewing stations with hundreds of other people. I was here on Saturday watching the excitement of Saturday’s epic fight between the 5th Precinct: Undercover and Mojo’s Dojo. The crowd was wild. Everyone expected to be home in their beds at some point that night, but instead, over half the watchers stayed to cheer on one of the leagues, often switching sides to root for the underdog just to see how far it would all go.

I crawled into bed around 5a.m., expecting to see the final results when I woke up. Surprise, surprise. I snuck in a good night’s sleep, an hour-and-a-half into the afternoon, and the fight was still going. Double overtime!! Who knew? I wouldn’t have even blinked if ambulance crews would have been sent to the viewing station to scrape off a few patrons out of their seats, unable to move after all that excitement.

Here today, I am here watching again as Round Two takes place. There is an uneasy quiet as we watch WMD-Black Order, stunned with the possibility of them going undefeated once again. Rowdy hooligans howled with glee as Don’t Take Me For… went in to attack and got nowhere. Isn’t the WMD-Black Order the league Skelanimal is a member of? Yeah it is. Bad-assdom is about to reign supreme as this league with four of the top-five highest level competitors in it steals the Iron Throne.

Does League Wars even have a throne? I don’t know, but you know what I mean.

Now, I haven’t had much of a career as a cape so far. I’m just starting out. It is going to take a long, long, LONG time before I could even dream of getting close to Division One, but hey, everyone starts out somewhere.

So, I’m going to start my planning and preparing for the next league war, so I can get into the fray. New heroes are coming into the world every day. Maybe there will be a team out there that is right for me next go around. And if there isn’t, what’s the saying, “If you build it, they will come.”

There is stiff competition out there, so I don’t expect it to be an easy journey. I will need to find ways through the big spenders and the multi-league manipulators. You never know, some of them might get killed off in the next battle against The Legion or retire.

One thing I do know is I will take advantage of every aspect available to give me an edge. Submissions of articles to the Sentinel, which I see offers some incredible rewards. Participation in events and contests. Working with others on collaborative stories in the Fiction Forum.

I look around the viewers and spot some other watchers with the same hunger I feel. Sitting in the seat isn’t what we want anymore.

Watching won’t be enough for me next time. I want to be part of it. I want to play. I want to win!

But don’t expect to see me anytime soon in any cape or spandex.