Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Player Art!

 Player art time. I know what you're thinking. "Wasn't this a long time ago?" Yes, I know. I fell behind with a load of stuff this month and I apologize for the long wait. 

This event started out as a challenge that didn't allow digital enhancements, only basic art. However, that turned out to be too much of a challenge, and it was vague. Thus, halfway through I returned the rules back to the standard set. 

That all said, here are the entries for this event. Everyone did amazing. 

Chaz Hamilton

Chris Evans

Dave Hawk

David Andrew Gibbons

Drift Davis

John Schoenfeld

    Jonathon Coombes

Leon Feros 

Mark Alan Bisanz

Mike Lane

Todd Goode

Very Special Entry: This was entered by David Andrew Gibbons son
