Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trivia Contest: Who is a Lord of Lore?

Welcome players! 

This is the first episode of Heroes Rising's trivia event Lords of Lore! (Yes, I did change the name. Who Wants a Free Power Card! didn't do well with test audiences.)

How well do you know the stories created by Dan Peyton, resident author for Heroes Rising?

Let's find out.

I will ask two questions today and three questions on Saturday. After each post appears on the blog, players will have 24 hours to reply with their answers. The first person with the most correct answers after both days will receive a Power of Knowledge Power Card.

If more than 20 people participate, the first two people with the most correct answers will earn the reward. If 50 or more participants share answers, then the first three people with the most correct answers gain one copy of the power card.

If there are ties for numbers of correct answers, then the winner(s) will be determined by who sent their answers first.

To keep your answers secret from other players, I have set up a special Sentinel e-mail account for this trivia contest. The original plan was to use Facebook messaging, but after noting some issues with posting and timing, I have decided to use a more trusted method to ensure the receipt of answers.

Send your answers to intheroomwithchaz@gmail.com

Be sure to include your player ID, please.

The winner(s) will be announced, along with the correct answers, next Monday (10/12/2020).

Good luck to everyone. The timer begins for the first 24 hour time frame at 5pm EST on Tuesday 10/6/2020 and ends at 4:59pm EST on Wednesday 10/7/2020.

Here are the first two questions:

Question 1: TNN reported one stone was found missing after the destruction of a specific building, which first gave BADGE notice of the disappearance of ruby shards? What was the full name of that location?

Question 2: How does the Ambassador of France, Jean-Luc Rieux, reply to Chase after she compliments his people of being warm and friendly?