Sunday, September 27, 2020

Alternate Art Card: Asteroid Punch

We continue the alternate art cards with a wonderful submission by Victor Wanderley Correa. 
I chose to title this one Asteroid Punch for obvious reasons. What struck me about this piece was the way the artist paid attention to detail. Often when designing a power, you think of the action of the power itself, what it is going to do. Here, the artist paid some attention to the source of the power. The hero in the art is drawing up rocks with one hand while the other is throwing a previously gathered batch of rocks which are turned into a flaming projectile, which I translated as an asteroid. For the figure, there is a nice use of color and design for the heroes outfit. Great work. If I were to offer a note, it would be to consider lighting. Bounce light and reflection are both important in a piece. The asteroid is a bright object, so some of the light should reflect off the heroes body. 

My art for this goes back. I actually drew this image a long time ago, before I was working with Heroes Rising. This was an experiment in dynamic muscle. I stored the image away for a while and then pulled it out when I was inspired to turn it into a super power. 
