Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Participation Rewards: What's in it for you?

By Chaz Hamilton

If you have visited the Heroes Rising Players page, you likely have seen posts about Dan Peyton's contests. Sometimes it has been an art contest, sometimes a fiction writing contest. On his latest Facebook post, he spoke about an upcoming Halloween 'Dress as your Character' Costume Contest.

Here is a link to the current art contest project, which has been updated. Coloring is Key

I highly recommend taking part in these optional, out-of-game projects. I enjoy them because I am a creative person. That's part of the reason why I am a reporter with the Sentinel.

I know not everyone shares that creative drive, or some may feel that the rewards don't equal the effort. My question for those people is simple. Have you tried?

For instance, with the current art contest, the rewards are up to three Good Job power cards at a value of 10 Morphons each. Color three of his images and you will receive enough Morphons to improve the level of most Power Cards one step. Those are Morphons you don't need to level to earn or purchase. Seems like a win to me.

Dan Peyton has commented on his bi-weekly story-chats (a informative hour-long live event where he discusses with viewers about his projects and reads a selected chapter from his bodies of work) that he enjoys seeing the different takes and styles of the contributive pieces. I've participated in three of these events and have enjoyed doing the work, but also seeing what other people come up with. Some of the works have even appeared in game, such as the eggs received in the Hunt and Raid events.

(FYI- If you watch Dan Peyton's live Facebook events, sometimes he passes on advanced information about the Heroes Rising game. Who doesn't like insider information? For those who want to be 'in-the-know', I recommend listening in.)

The other reward for participation is personal experience. They are an opportunity to expand your skill sets. A reason to learn how to better use and art design program. A chance to tell a story about your character that nobody else knows. If taken seriously, you can even discover something new about yourself. You might be better at the activity than you thought before you tried.

Recently, several people have posted covers for their character's comic-book. Many of them are exceptional. You could use the pictures as a means to do the same for your character. Go beyond the images available in the Avatar Generator and expand the possibilities.

 The images can even be printed off and colored, not only colored by digital means. I plan on doing one by hand myself, seeing as there is a new hero I have a strange connection with. (Fiction Forum story available if you want the details.)

I have a general idea of the number of people who participate in the raids and hunt events. It would be great if as many people participated in these challenges as did in the in-game events. Please give it some thought. 
