Monday, September 7, 2020

RJ's Tips for Beginners (II)

By R.J.Ragan

 Being part of the Avengers means more to us than just us dominating each division. We want all players, especially new ones to have the basic knowledge of how to properly build your new toons from day 1 because we want to see the game build into it's full potential and create more and better competition for everyone!

 Your first order of business is to not worry too much about purchasing anything until you get to level 14. This is where what's known as the Shuffle opens up and allows you access to the best gear and cards available to you. After you hit level 14 you go to your powers tab, then you will see the option for Mystery Shuffle. Click that, then you'll have the choice between 1 item, Card or Gear piece, which ever drops, or 3. Your choice based on how many Morphons you want to spend at a time, although I do recommend doing the 3 because you get a better bang for your buck!

 This game also gives players in both leagues and not the ability to be part of what is known as "Buy Groups" that allow players to group together and buy together at the same time giving you maximum value because you get a tremendous amount of bonus Morphons, which is what the game calls it's $$. This is what you'll need for purchasing anything saying Morphons as the way to buy. Others will say Bux, some Crystals. In order to get into these groups, either join a league that does them often to allow you more opportunities based on your disposable income, or keep an eye out on the HR FB page for any announcements.

 I think one of the most important things new players need to know though above all else is how your card powers work. For every level you're at, you're allowed 5 each cards for Attack/Defense and Movement. However, in order for those to be effective to their maximum it's important to note you will need to make sure to keep up with them as you level, and as importantly, you're going to need as many in game friends to fulfill those cards and level powers. You can do this by sending friend requests to people on these types of pages, or buying "Henchmen" to keep you up to date. The main thing to remember is they must play this game. If they don't they're useless to your build and strength.

 I hope this helps a little for the newer player that don't have anyone else to guide them. This game is so fun, and even better if you know what you're doing from the very beginning. This is Chromatic Death / AKA Robert Ragan and The Avengers hoping to see you all soon competing with us for the titles!