Saturday, September 26, 2020

Alternate Art Card: Fire Shield

Back in July we held an art contest. This time it was actually a contest in which I selected three entrees to be used as alternate art cards in the game. It was no easy task. The art was great and selecting my favorite three proved almost impossible. 

The first piece is from Mark Alan Bisanz, I gave it the title of Fire Shield. I liked the color balance on this one. I especially liked how he tied the background in with flames behind him. My only suggestion, never forget the shadows.

My painting using this sketch was completed a long time ago. In fact, this picture was originally done to represent the number 3 (the finished image faces the other direction). The idea was for it to be the third place prize for the inaugural League Wars. We decided go another direction for the prizes and I was left with this art sitting in the files. I changed the art a little and recreated the card about three months ago.
