Sunday, September 13, 2020

Fight Clubs: A Quick Guide & Strategies

by Aflima

While Fight Club can appear at first to be a daunting venture for the new player, it often serves as a very easy method of accumulating Morphons over time, as well as being a good source of Crystals as one levels up.

You automatically gain 2 Morphons with every entry to a Fight Club and a single victory will net an additional Morphon and 2 Crystals. If you win a Fight Club battle, you always gain double the energy you spent in Crystals.

Morphons are gained on a different scale. Currently, you can achieve additional Morphons for a third, 6th, 10th and 15th victory in a room that can hold up to 20 competitors.

As for Crystals, you can gain Crystals equivalent to twice the amount of energy spent on a fight if you win. Since each battle in a Fight Club costs additional Energy, this means your first battle can net 2 Crystal while the 19th battle can net 60. Someone running a 'perfect' 19-0 Fight Club run will garner (the ominous number of) 666 Crystal!

While some players try to only battle opponents they believe they can defeat and earn the relevant Crystal & XP (and Morphon, if available), others will try the approach of deliberately battling stronger opponents first, such that the 'easier' opponents later on can earn a higher amount of Crystal & XP. Depending on your individual play style and long term goals, one or the other option may be more appealing at a given time.

When you reach Level 40, abilities purchasable with Crystal become available and that opens the door to a huge influx of no-upkeep abilities for the average Morphon-light player, and therefore a chance to vault in overall power over those who haven't yet reached that in-game level. So, accumulating Crystal through Fight Club is the best way of maximizing the effect of these cards' availability.

What's the best way to choose a Fight Club?

For brand new players, getting one's feet wet means beggars can't be choosers. You're likely not going to be able to win most of your matches and may have to settle for the minimum. If you're lucky and the rooms fill up in your favor (i.e. lots of other low level players), then you can jump in that room, score a few wins and pick up extra Crystal (and Morphons) to build up a stash. And if you've got the patience, sometimes the very last room will only have a tiny number of players, which means the possibility of winning a FREE ability card for finishing in the Top 5, exists. The trade-off of this of course is that you won't be able to rack up many victories if any... but the chance at a free card for a low level, Bux-light/small-career player is worth considering. Since 1st and 2nd place *also* offers Morphons as a reward, there's bonus incentive to trying to jump in late if you see the previous room is approaching 18 or 19 players and there's two minutes or less remaining in the Fight Club window.

As one levels, other options for choosing a room may become apparent. For example if you're in a league that communicates well, you can schedule your entire league to populate a Fight Club room, and work together so that everyone has a chance as piling up victories (as well as Crystal & XP). Also, you may get familiar with the strength of certain players and determine more accurately the amount of wins you can get in a given room that's already well-populated.

In the case of gauging players' strength, because battles inside of Fight Club don't count in the daily W/L numbers (and vice versa), you could scout a prospective opponent in Fight Club, by challenging them outside of Fight Club. Click their name in Fight Club to bring up their profile, then duel them. You can then determine if it's worthwhile tackling them in the Fight Club room, or swapping your gear around, and trying again. Note however, a win in regular battle play is no guarantee of a similar result in Fight Club, there have been more than a few instances of players dominating someone in regular play but falling to them in Fight Club.

One additional note: if you seek to eventually become the kind of player who will maximize Fight Club battles, putting skill points into energy becomes a must. A minimum of 30 energy would be required to complete the maximum 19 fights.

In summary, there are zero negatives to joining Fight Clubs as they appear; and there's always the chance to pick up a little something extra to help you out as you progress in the game. Get in there.